newsXpress helps local newsagents enjoy their business

Enjoying your business helps you make better decisions. It also helps those with you in the business make better business decisions.

Through our newsXpress community you have friends you can have a laugh with, and folks you can trust to decompress with.

In our Zoom meetings and other contact points we, together, have a laugh.

We nurture your resilience and, sometimes, help you find enjoyment when it may not have been obvious.

It really comes back to why you are in business. The answer to this varies. Understanding it is key to the enjoyment you feel and achieve.

The business itself becomes enjoyable when speed bumps are overcome and stormy weather guided away. Having access to your own business mentor can help achieve these things.

Success is enjoyable. We encourage and help to find success so you can feel the happiness it brings.

What newsXpress offers local newsagents is unique.

newsXpress is genuinely unique in the newsagency marketing group mix.

We own, and run our own shops, as playing fields where we experiment for our members with their full knowledge, and guidance.

We own and run successful websites. Our two biggest consumer-facing websites each did half a million dollars last year.

We were first with a consumer-facing online offer at the group level, and at an individual store level.

We have an active new shopper strategy, focussed through several suppliers that do not partner with any other marketing group.

We will disagree with you sometimes. If you ask our opinion, our feedback will be honest, and backed by evidence. We owe you the truth.

We leverage the Tower Systems retail experience. Tower serves 3,500+ independent retailers across 16 retail channels. Data insights from these channels provide early insights that we leverage for newsXpress members.

The value of this dataset is extraordinary.

Through this we can speak to key metrics such as return on floor space, return on labour, and return on investment, and through these help you cultivate more value from your business.

If you want to run an enjoyable and rewarding local newsagency business it starts with you not thinking about the business within the framework of being a newsagency. Don’t let your business plans be bound by tradition.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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