A Valentine’s Day thought

While for sure we sell cards and gifts for Valentine’s Day, we think of this as a time to appreciate love and being loved … family, friends, community. The neighbour who brings in the bin. The teacher educating kids. The nursing home carer sharing comfort and love every day. The train and bus drivers getting us places. The police keeping us safe. The farmers growing our food. The person on the street who smiles hello.

To us, Valentine’s Day reminds us of all these people, all these interactions we love. The goodness, comfort and joy others give makes life rich and wonderful.

This year, in 2022, we are especially grateful … to be here, to be with you, to share a laugh and to fall asleep at night with happy and hopeful dreams.

Oh, and secretly, Valentine’s Day is an excuse to eat a sweet pink-iced cupcake or donut. That’s a special secret treat.