How newsXpress helps local Aussie newsagents sell online

The newsXpress exclusive approach to selling online.

newsXpress offers members easy access to several national traffic-attracting websites. newsXpress head office manages the back end of credit card fees, refunds, returns, free freight, and more. These sites are the fastest, and easiest way a newsagent can sell online.

newsXpress also offers members access to half-price beautiful websites made specifically for a member business. Such a site can run alongside the newsXpress group-wide national sites. See or for two examples.

The web technology is backed up with go-live support, marketing advice, and more. Our approach is to treat a website for a business as a start-up, a source of new traffic, and new revenue for a business.


newsXpress helped us find our niche, get online and through this find online customers as well as new customers for our shop.

It is exciting having a new business like this launch and be successful. It is encouraging, motivating and helping us to see our newsXpress business differently.

Andrea Holmes, newsXpress Numurkah, VIC.


At first, we wanted to put our shop online. As we went through this, discovering how and why people shop online, we realised it was time to change our business name. Paperplay Inverloch was born and through that a new pathway for our business opened.

We are excited for where online takes us and appreciate the help from newsXpress through this.

Trudy and Adrian Banks, newsXpress (Paperplay) Inverloch, VIC.

newsXpress helps local Aussie newsagents grow coin sales

The Royal Australian Mint relationship.

newsXpress is the only marketing group the Royal Australian Mint partners with. While it does supply Australia Post outlets as part of common government ownership of both businesses, our retailers benefit more from our relationship.

We have seen newsXpress members go from selling no coins to achieving $25,000 a year in revenue.

Through our work with the Mint, and their products over three years, we have discovered how coins can work for traditional shoppers like those buying newspapers, and lotteries.

Thanks to beautiful packaging connected with key seasonal giving occasions, Royal Australian Mint products support greeting card sales, especially for new baby arrivals, anniversaries, Father’s Day, and other special events.

Products from the Royal Australian Mint also help attract new shoppers to the business as we leverage Mint data to help us understand more about mint coin collectors.

newsXpress leverages a terrific margin for members as well as guaranteed access to limited-edition products. Later in 2021, newsXpress members are expected to have access to their first exclusive Mint coin product.

newsXpress guides success with Mint coins through training, advice, social media collateral, and in-store tactical engagement advice.


I never thought we could sell mint coins in our shop. The time an early morning newspaper customer spent $300.00 in mint coins before 7am changed my perspective.

The Supercars coins helped us find more customers as did the AC/DC coin sets.

The Mint relationship is another unique supplier relationship from newsXpress that is helping us grow our business.

Nick Cassimatis, newsXpress Caboolture, QLD.

newsXpress is a unique marketing group helping newsagents

What is unique about what we leverage for you.

newsXpress is genuinely unique in the newsagency marketing group mix.

We leverage the Tower Systems retail experience. Tower serves 3,500+ independent retailers across 10 retail channels. Data insights from these channels provide early insights that we leverage for newsXpress members.

The value of this dataset is extraordinary.

The work by Tower Systems with toy shops, homewares businesses, and gift shops has been instrumental in newsXpress members broadening the appeal of their businesses.

Through this we can speak to key metrics such as return on floor space, return on labour, and return on investment, and through these help you cultivate more value from your business.

We own, and run our own shops, as playing fields where we experiment for our members with their full knowledge, and guidance.

We were first with a consumer-facing online offer at the group level, and at an individual store level.

We have an active new shopper strategy, focussed through several suppliers that do not partner with any other marketing group.

We will disagree with you sometimes. If you ask our opinion, our feedback will be honest, and backed by evidence. We owe you the truth.


We joined newsXpress over 10 years ago to take the business to a level we could not achieve on our own. Not only has newsXpress opened doors to suppliers and deals that were beyond us on our own but the family like community of newsXpress has supported us in ways that go beyond a purely business relationship. 

Our thanks to Mark and the team and all the other members.

Brendan and Rita Mason, newsXpress Sunbury Square, VIC.

newsXpress is helping local small business newsagents grow more enjoyable and successful businesses

Nurturing your success.

We nurture your success through opportunities you can leverage, often needing little or no capital investment. We share these in one of our regular (at least twice a week) member emails, or our regular member Zoom meetings.

Opportunities can be new suppliers, new products, in-store tactical changes, out of store marketing ideas. Often, they are early adopter opportunities that can help our members win before other retailers know about the opportunity.

We lay out for your consideration a pathway to a success.

Opportunities can be sales to people who will never visit your shop through any of several national #1 ranked consumer facing websites, and / or your own exclusive website, under a brand you choose.

Helping you cultivate value.

We guide you to harvest greater value, profit, and thereby make your business worth more.

Our 100+ preferred suppliers offer members better margin opportunities.

We shine a light on products that turn faster.

We have preferred suppliers who: provide exclusive product and who offer first to market opportunities.

We have preferred suppliers who do not sell to other newsagents.

Our central billing program unlocks for you delayed billing terms.

Our shop floor tactical training and guidance can help you achieve higher inventory turn rates, delivering a better return on investment, better return on floor space, and better return on labour.

Enjoying your business.

Through our newsXpress community you have friends you can have a laugh with, and folks you can trust to decompress with.

Success is enjoyable. We encourage and help to find success so you can feel the happiness it brings.

Now, let’s turn to the how