Yesterday we held our very first newsXpress market fair at Castle Hill RSL in Sydney’s North/Western suburbs. It would be fair to say we did not know what to expect.
We invited 25 supply partners and service providers in line with newsXpress‘ long term goal of streamlining its supply chain to drive increased margins and eliminate unnecessary costs for its members and supply partners. What was planned to be a low key affair turned into something special with a wide cross section of national brand suppliers and service providers being involved.
newsXpress wanted it to be a low cost event so that suppliers could concentrate on delivering for the members. A number of suppliers commented on how inexpensive this fair was to attend in comparison to others. By developing long term supply partnerships everyone benefits.
Next week we do it all again in Melbourne & Brisbane and then the following week in Perth as we want to make sure every store in our network can benefit.

Proud: newsXpress Castle Towers proprietor Geoff Hilder and newsXpress Chairman Graham Randall

Networking: newsXpress CEO Mark Nagy, Nici Wceszniak & Shirley from newsXpress Castle Towers

Purchase Opportunity: Vinay Soni, proprietor of newsXpress Roselands buying books from Ross Morris of Australian Book Wholesalers (ABW)
Pens, Glorious Pens: Terry & Rosalie from newsXpress Northgate perusing the Pentel exhibit
Say it with a card: Maureen & Paul Blunden, newsXpress Orange talking Christmas Card orders with Lynn Mason from Cardpac
Art made easy: newsXpress Wagga Wagga proprietors, Dean Sutherland (left) & Troy Sutherland (far right) with Ashley Horne from Canson

Ecstatic: A very happy Phil Banks from newsXpress Glendale mills around the 3M display

Intimate: A wide shot of the interaction between suppliers and members at Castle Hill RSL for the Sydney Market Fair

Atmosphere: With over 25 suppliers and 40 newsXpress representatives in attendance the fair was a hive of activity for the four hour duration.
Hallmark Alliance: Nici, Geoff, Shirley (newsXpress Castle Towers), Graeme Baker (newsXpress McArthur), with Julie-Anne and Christine from Hallmark
Smile for the camera: Vinay (newsXpress Roselands) & Hallmark ladies Julie-Anne & Christine

Bright, bold, beautiful: Karen Sutton & the crew from newsXpress Singleton Heights listening to a presentation from hiPP

Gifts for everyone: newsXpressers Ben Kay & Lesley Bortfield enjoying the fair alongside Scott & Steven Brooker from Care and Share
Work & Play: Anthony & Nicky McCormack of newsXpress Woden with their Pentel representative

Rollerboy: Sandy Burke of newsXpress Wauchope, with a senior team member discussing stationery requirements with Pentel’s Rob Henderson

All the fun of the fair: Paul Waite & Karen Sutton

Going well: Graham Randall & Ben Kay
Catch Up: Roger & Lesley Bortfield, newsXpress NSW/ACT/NT Business Development Managers spending some time with their QLD/WA counterpart Karen Sutton

Worth the wait: Maureen Blunden from newsXpress Orange & Karen Sutton