Here at newsXpress we help local newsagents thrive. We do this through advice and support. Every decision is yours to take. It’s your business. You are in control.
What we do for each newsXpress member depends on their situation and what they want from us. Every business is different. Every business owner has different needs.
While all newsXpress members have access to our preferred suppliers, network wide connected websites, seasonal collateral, digital assets and networking opportunities, it is in our personal, business-specific, help where value can be found for plenty of newsXpress members.
We assess your business data as we prefer to offer advice based on evidence. Often when we do this we discover opportunities missed, low hanging fruit to be picked.
The approach is whole of business, considering location, product mix, financial resources, people resources and what you want and need from the business.
While we have members who prefer to do this work for themselves, we have others who appreciate a more engaged approach.
How much or little newsXpress members and our head office team members work together is entirely under control of each newsXpress member.
Nothing is required or mandatory.
When it comes to in-store retail though, we help you with the everyday:
- Buy price. We help you buy better.
- Stock turn. We help you sell products sooner.
- We help you reduce the cost of theft.
- We help you cast your business differently, to help improve shopper stickiness.
- New traffic. We help you attract people not shopping with you today.
- We help you tame them.
We help you make things happen by being actively engaged.
Being profitable is critical for every business.
Your profit today puts money in your bank account today and sets you up for making more when you decide to exit the business.
So, when we talk about business value, we are focussed on helping you drive profit. From what you pay for inventory, to how long it sits on the shelf to your business overheads to making more from each shopper visit, we help you maximise these and other touchpoints.
Our 130+ preferred suppliers offer members terrific margin opportunities.
We shine a light on products that turn faster.
We have preferred suppliers who: provide exclusive product and who offer first to market opportunities.
Exclusive. Plenty of our preferred suppliers do not sell to other newsagents.
Our central billing program unlocks for you delayed billing terms.
Our shop floor tactical training and guidance can help you achieve higher inventory turn rates, delivering a better return on investment, better return on floor space, and better return on labour.
newsXpress is here to help local newsagents thrive!