EXCLUSIVE: newsxpress Valentine’s Day prize packs

newsXpress has provided its member retailers with a hamper of goodies to be given away as a prize in each local shop for Valentine’s Day. This promotion is another newsXpress EXCLUSIVE promotion, designed to drive card sales in local newsXpress businesses.

This wonderful prize pack along with A1 and other collateral is helping local newsXpress businesses not only sell Valentine’s Day cards but other cards too. Any card purchase puts the shopper in the running.

Provided to newsXpress members as part of its Seasonal Edge promotional campaign, newsXpress is helping local small business retailers to attract new shoppers and to encourage shoppers in-store to spend in the business.

Differentiating marketing like this is vital to helping these local retailers stand out from other retailers, to shine and provide promotional opportunities local shoppers love.

This is a newsXpress difference. It is another way we help our member retailers to present unique shopper competition opportunities and through this to show the business as being genuinely locally engaged.

newsXpress is a privately owned company. We have been in business since 2001. We are a marketing group.

We’re not a franchise. Nothing we pitch is mandatory. We do not charge a fee based on your turnover.

What we do for each newsXpress member depends on their situation and what they want from us. Every business is different. Every business owner has different needs.

While all newsXpress members have access to our preferred suppliers, network wide connected websites, seasonal collateral, digital assets and networking opportunities, it is in our personal, business-specific, help where value can be found for plenty of newsXpress members.

We assess your business data as we prefer to offer advice based on evidence. Often when we do this we discover opportunities missed, low hanging fruit to be picked.

The approach is whole of business, considering location, product mix, financial resources, people resources and what you want and need from the business.

While we have members who prefer to do this work for themselves, we have others who appreciate a more engaged approach.

How much or little newsXpress members and our head office team members work together is entirely under control of each newsXpress member.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]towersystems.com.au

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