newsXpress newsagency marketing group Q&A

We love questions from prospective newsXpress members. here are some common questions we are asked, and our answers:

Is newsXpress a franchise? No.

Do you have exclusive supplier deals? Yes, plenty.

Will you show me your supplier terms before I join? No.

My shop is small, is that okay? Size is not a factor.

Can you help me sell online? Yes.

Do you offer a benchmark against which I can compare my performance? Yes.

Do you offer a strategy for attracting more shoppers? Yes.

Is there anything from newsXpress that is mandatory? No.

Do you visit our shop? It’s 100% up to you.

Do we change the name of our business? Not unless you want to.

Do we need to put a new sign up? No, it’s up to you.

Do we have to wear a uniform? No, not unless you want to.

Does newsXpress pay for signage? Not for the shop. We do provide members with wonderful seasonal posters.

What if I sell my business? Your agreement with newsXpress ends.

Do you run catalogues? Yes, but not the old-school Christmas, back to School and Mid-Year catalogues.

What is your position with magazines? We offer our members marketing tips designed to sell more magazines.

What is your position with lotteries? We actively work with Lotterywest. We also have a national account manager with The Lott through whom we navigate any issues or concerns members express.

Can we see your list of preferred suppliers prior to joining? No.

Can you save my business? We will help as much as possible.

Can you help me reduce my labour cost? We’ll share advice.

Can you help me negotiate on rent? Yes.

If you have any questions, please ask.

We’d love to help you increase the gross profit percentage your business achieves, attract more shoppers, guide shoppers to spend more each visit, convert more existing stock to cash, make consistently better business decisions and help you enjoy your business more.

We want these things to happen for you because they reflect success in business and success in business is satisfying.

It’s about wanting success and methodically going about achieving success. For us, that’s what MAKING THINGS HAPPEN is about.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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