Welcome lalaland cards

newsXpress is pleased to welcome the range of lalaland art house cards to the greeting card mix.

Available in gift card as well as regular size, the lalaland range is genuinely unique and appealing to a different shopper to the more traditional card range.

The space-efficient spinner enables the cards to be placed appropriately to attract easy impulse purchase.  This is what newsXpress members are doing … and reaping excellent sales as a result.

newsXpress represents its members when it comes to bringing on new suppliers.  We serve our community, looking at suppliers and type of suppliers our members encourage us to look at. lalaland is one such supplier, offering a unique, fresh, range of greeting cards.

All suppliers considered by newsXpress go through a rigorous evaluation process.  The result is a suite of supplier which our members trust and are confident in doing business.  The choice of doing business is left to the members.


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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]towersystems.com.au

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