Back to Work at newsXpress Maryborough

maryborough_btw.jpgThe Toyota Yaris inside newsXpress Maryborough (VIC) is a brilliant way to promote the prize one lucky newsXpress customer will win as part of Back to Work campaign we are running nationally.

The car plus the brilliant A1 posters, other collateral and excellent product range combine to create some excellent in-store theatre around which to promote Back to Work.

This is the newsXpress difference: bringing together brand name products under the banner of a fresh season and promoting this externally (with 1 million catalogues) and in-store – with cars and product features.

newsXpress provides the in-store marketing collateral free thanks to the generosity of suppliers.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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