newsXpress announces read while you sleep news service

In a move which leapfrogs tablet computers like the top-selling Apple iPad, newsXpress has invested in European technology which delivers access to news and information telepathically.

First developed in cold war Russia and perfected by the CIA over the last fifteen years following the defection of several Russian scientists to the US, the new product, enables the transmission of newspaper and magazine length articles to subscribers without the need for a delivery device – like paper for newspapers and magazines or an iPad as has been popular in recent years.

Called MindBook, this exciting ‘product’ is delivered by way of a small earbud worn overnight which  receives content once it detects the brain is in the alpha state.

This is like digesting food without eating said Dr Slove, the public face of the company commercialising the product. You can wake on a Monday morning knowing the content of your weekly magazines. The time people save reading can be spent on other activities

newsXpress has taken on exclusive distribution of MindBook as part of its strategy of leading the reinvention of the newsagency model.

Australians will be able to go to newsXpress outlets, undertake a two minute procedure and walk away MindBook enabled. The newsXpress fee for the platform is $49.95. Weekly titles will be available for a fraction of the print product cost, usually around $1.00 per issue.

To find out more click here.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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