Detail drives ink and toner success


Beyond ranging advice, negotiating prices and providing marketing materials, the newsXpress ink and toner strategy even supports stores with simple things such as product labels. It is this attention to detail in the package of support materials from newsXpress which is driving success for our members in areas such as ink and toner.

With the focus on respected brands such as Epson, Canon, HP and Lexmark, it is only appropriate that we are professional in our price and description presentation. It is also an ideal opportunity to connect this with the newsXpress brand.

The price labels and other support material is provided as part of the complete package from the group without any additional cost to our members. …another example of the newsXpress difference.

Giveaways push stationery sales

The free filing box we have provided to newsXpress stores to give away with each box of Double A paper sold is working well. Being exclusive to newsXpress, our members can actively promote this knowing that no other business can match them.


Giveaways such as this filing box better connect newsXpress newsagencies with the home office market. That it is built around a brand not promoted in key newsagent competitors means we offer a brand point of difference as well.

newsXpress is committed to bringing more of these practical traffic building deals to its members.

Further statement about GNS and newsXpress

Asked to comment to the editor of a trade journal today about the GNS decision to ban newsXpress from its trade shows, the Board issued this statement today:

newsXpress is disappointed that the Board of GNS has taken this action against newsXpress. Now is the time for newsagents and their suppliers to embrace competition rather than build walls against it.

We have been active supporters of GNS since we commenced six years ago and have participated in the Brisbane Market Fair since we began. To now be locked out on the grounds of newsXpress being a threat is disappointing and offensive to our newsagent members.