Great HOT ink! prices at newsXpress show small business newsagents are the best!

hotinkjune2014Newsagency marketing group is showing real leadership with the latest HOT ink! campaign offering excellent prices on brand name ink, a discount voucher offering further $$$ off and a chance to win a terrific Canon printer – with one printer being given away in each participating store.

The latest HOT ink! is just two weeks old and already newsXpress members are reporting excellent shopper growth as people bring in the catalogue and embrace opportunities to save and to win.

This latest EXCLUSIVE TO NEWSXPRESS marketing campaign is another way newsXpress is helping members to make more money from every day habit based product like ink and toner.

newsXpress shoppers are winners!

25% off deal helps newsXpress newsagents win!

It’s not often a supplier to newsagents offers 25% off their regular wholesale price but that’s exactly what newsXpress delivered for its members for two weeks when a MAJOR supplier in a very important and valuable product category offered newsXpress members 25% off top-selling products.

That’s a wonderful and valuable additional margin opportunity for many highly sought after and popular product lines.

This 25% off wholesale was EXCLUSIVE to newsXpress. Talk about delivering value to members keen to drive above average business margin and to build an even better bottom line.

Many claim to help newsagents improve GP. newsXpress regularly delivers on this promise with EXCLUSIVE buying deals plus proves strategies for turning product on the shop floor into sales faster than is usually the case.

newsXpress helps newsagents get more money in the bank as this latest deal shows.

Some very creative people in the newsXpress family

merriwawindowhere is a window display created at newsXpress Merriwa in NSW. The dress is made from wrapping paper. It’s truly gorgeous. Even better, the window attracted shoppers – they sold out of the line of paper used. The window was the talk of the town and the business benefited tremendously as a result.

The idea and inspiration for the window came from an engaged newsXpress supplier. The execution was entirely by the team at newsXpress Merriwa – the result is a wonderful tribute to their energy and commitment!

Well done newsXpress Merriwa! This window display is inspirational.

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress helps members ride the wave of success with retail trends

loombandsNewsagency marketing group newsXpress introduced members to the opportunity of Loom Bands ahead of the wave of success, presenting leading advantages with supply, pricing and promotion. We supported active sales with newsXpress exclusive collateral – helping newsXpress members position themselves well competitively. We continued ahead of the trend with information on the progression of the trend and appropriate warnings as the trend started to slow.

In addition to negotiating excellent supplier deals, newsXpress provides members with timely trusted advice.

newsXpress is committed to magazines

NXPPosters_Page_07Magazines are vitally important to the traffic and financial health of any newsagency with a future. newsXpress understand this and supports it with fresh and exclusive marketing collateral for members to use in promo tine their businesses.

This poster was provided to members some months ago for in-store use in connecting with shoppers the message that newsXpress is your magazine specialist. This helps to encourage shoppers to think of newsXpress first when considering magazines.

Behind the poster is advice and support on living and acting like a specialist and genuinely serving the needs of shoppers interested in magazines.

Making it even easier for people to say thank you

NXPPosters_Page_06This to this fresh and exclusive marketing collateral newsXpress members are able to offer a deal / discount / promotion to go with a Thank You card.

While not wanting to encourage discounting as the default business position, a promotion such as that offered in this collateral can really add value as it shows shoppers opportunities in-store: to say thank you with a card and to save money on an accompanying gift.

This is a well through-through and layered promotion that newsXpress members can offer at times that best suite their local business needs.

newsXpress wants a world with more hugs

NXPPosters_Page_03Newsagency marketing group newsXpress is encouraging people visiting its network of stores to share hugs. With many of the products we offer being hug friendly we’re in the business of sharing and encouraging hugs.

It makes us feel good.

This poster is part of a broader campaign aimed at helping people to understand the opportunities in the emotional connection in plenty of what we sell in newsXpress stores.

This collateral is exclusive to newsXpress for member use.

newsXpress is encouraging gift buying for kids

NXPPosters_Page_02newsXpress has released new collateral for members to use between seasons. This collateral includes posters that can be used by newsXpress members at times appropriate to local needs of the businesses.

This KIDS LOVE OUR GIFTS is an ideal example of how newsXpress helps members play outside the major seasons – with opportunities to show and encourage people in relation to who they are buying for.

Without being noisy or aggressive, our marketing shows shoppers the way.

This is exclusive to newsXpress.

newsXpress Robina Town Centre!

robinanextra Robina Town Centre is gone, replaced with newsXpress Robina Town Centre … and customers love it. They love the new excitement, new products, engaged customer service and the wonderful vibe to the business. newsXpress Town Centre is a tribute to all things newsXpress. Karen and the team are creating a wonderful business and an excellent promotion of the newsXpress brand!

Exclusive Itty Bitty opportunity for newsXpress newsagency marketing group members

ittybittynewsXpress members are loving the opportunity of exclusive Itty Bitty lines for newsXpress locations. These adorable collectibles are being snapped up by shoppers already – ahead of the release of our exclusive lines.

With Itty Bitty units rolling out across the country right now, newsXpress members are making the most opt the opportunity with the excellent floor display unit places in prime location driving shopper traffic and extending the basket with excellent impulse purchases.

Hallmark and newsXpress will benefit from more innovation following a recent study trip to the Hallmark headquarters in Kansas City.

Newsagency marketing group helps to turn products into cash

merchhelpIn addition to sourcing excellent product deals for newsXpress newsagency marketing group members, newsXpress also provides advice, guidance and assistance on merchandising the products to maximise sales revenue. The faster we can turn an item into cash the more valuable for the newsXpress member. This is a core focus of the group – opportunities for members to turn good deals into cash.

Fantastic State of Origin range at newsXpress Sarina

sarinasornewsXpress sarina owns State of Origin in Sarina in Queensland. They do an excellent job every year with State of Origin merchandise. This photo shows part of the range being set up recently – ahead of State of Origin fans buying up big.

The team at Sarina leads in this State of Origin space. Kudos to them for this and the help they have been to many other newsXpress members.

Just wonderful!!

Excellent State of Origin at newsXpress Eli Waters

elisorCheck out the window promoting State of Origin products at newsXpress Eli Waters in Queensland. This stunning display of State of Origin products supported by newsXpress exclusive collateral is an excellent pitch to the State of Origin fan.

newsXpress helps newsagents source products and promote them with collateral, ideas and other practical retail business support assistance.

newsXpress is proud of the pitch being made here by newsXpress Eli Waters – bold, professional and successful!

Well done.

newsXpress helps newsagency marketing group members pre-sell hot titles

Thanks to insights prior to publication, newsXpress is offering members more customer pre-sell collateral to help our newsagency marketing group members to get revenue for a sought after title before the title is released. This is another way newsXpress members lock in customers and reduce leakage.

This is a terrific initiative newsXpress has used for many years to the benefit of its members. we have helped members reap excellent revenue results by pre selling calendars, one-shot magazines and other items – locking in revenue in some cases months prior to the products being released.

newsXpress helps newsagents deal with the decline of print

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress has a well through out strategy for maintaining and growing shopper traffic as traffic falls for print product. The group is sharing some of its newsagency business-building insights in a series of newsagent workshops around Australia over the next couple of weeks, outlining opportunities and helping newsagents feel confident about their future despite changes in some core product lines.

With one eye on traditional products and the other on the future, newsXpress is helping its members to navigate change in a positive and enjoyable way.

newsXpress members launching Hallmark Itty Bitty

ittybittyCustomers are loving the Itty Bitty product launched last week by newsagency marketing group newsXpress and Hallmark. Available in many newsXpress stores, the Itty Bitty is a fun soft toy that makes an ideal gift between friends as well as a give to a child or a grandchild.

Displayed in a clever display unit as well as elsewhere in-store, the Itty Bitty is a welcome addition to the newsXpress range.

newsXpress has developed exclusive elements to the Itty Bitty offer, separating newsXpress members from other retailers with these items.

New ink offer for newsagency marketing group members

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 10.41.42 amnewsXpress has finalized a new HOT ink! Offer for newsXpress newsagency marketing group members with the new catalogue being printed this week ready for wide letterbox distribution. This latest ink offer provides customers with the opportunity of winning a beautiful canon PIXIMA printer that will be given away in each of the participating HOT ink! Stores. This is an excellent opportunity for newsXpress members to drive ink traffic as well as engage with more business customers.

newsXpress newsagents embrace AFL opportunities

aflnewsXpress newsagents are embracing licenced AFL product opportunities across Australia thanks to engaged suppliers. The photo shops the excellent display at newsXpress Kadina promoting AFL product in-store. Talk about owning the AFL fan opportunity in kaduna South Australia. Kudos to the team who sourced and put together this excellent display of AFL licenced products!