Newsagents benefit from EXCLUSIVE products

bbcollectnewsXpress newsagency marketing group members love EXCLUSIVE products. The latest EXCLUSIVE to newsXpress beanie Boo hit the stores prior to Christmas and its been such a hit that many have reordered – knowing that there is only a limited amount of stock available.

Exclusivity is another way newsXpress helps members grow traffic, sales and business value.

This is a tremendous newsXpress difference no other newsagency marketing group is delivering.

EXCLUSIVE TO NEWSXPRESS is the magic phrase here – newsXpress negotiators are helping set members apart.

newsXpress launches another EXCLUSIVE supplier

Mid last week newsXpress launched to its members another EXCLUSIVE supplier offering newsXpress members a range of highly sought after products offering excellent gross profit and certain to drive valuable shopper traffic.

This latest EXCLUSIVE new supplier brought on by newsXpress extends the reach of the business in offering exclusive access to products and services to newsXpress members. Many use these to increase shopper traffic and through this their revenue.

Exclusivity is a valuable asset in retail today. It’s a newsXpress difference.

EXCLUSIVE Giant Mickey attracting newsagency shoppers for newsXpress members

xgmickExclusive products drive traffic and newsXpress members are discovering this thanks to sales success of the Giant Mickey Mouse from the Hallmark Itty Bitty range. Leveraged exclusively for newsXpress members we are seeing terrific results as people seek out thiscutie as a perfect Christmas gift. Even when placed deep in store it works a treat at attracting shoppers.

newsXpress exclusive product selling out!

nxexclMeet Fluffy, the latest Ty beanie Boo that is exclusive to newsXpress stores across Australia.

Highly sought after by Bean Boo collectors, Fluffy is generating new traffic for newsXpress members as they embrace more exclusive product opportunities delivered by our newsagency marketing group to members.

Fluffy has only been out for just over a week and already newsXpress members are chasing more product having sold out!

Newsagency marketing group first with Blinky Bill

bbillMembers of the newsXpress newsagency marketing group were last week given an opportunity to tap into Blinky Bill product ahead of the launch of a movie shortly. With excellent product and display opportunities, newsXpress members are able to build a strong story around this brand.

This is another first for newsagents through newsXpress.

Newsagency marketing group promotes Hallmark Itty Bitty Halloween exclusivity

halexclnewsXpress has provided members of its newsagency marketing group with collateral with which they can promote the exclusive hallmark Itty Bitty products in-store.


No other newsagent has access to these thanks to the relationship between Hallmark and newsXpress.

This is another example of a valuable newsXpress point of difference.

The cute Mickey and Minnie Itty Bittys are proving to be popular with shoppers from people purchasing on impulse through to those collecting Itty Bittys.

EXCLUSIVE giant Mickey Itty Bitty to drive sales for newsXpress members

image001newsXpress members are set to enjoy additional traffic thanks to this EXCLUSIVE  giant Mickey Itty Bitty from hallmark.

As the only retailers in Australia with this item, newsXpress members will separate themselves from other retailers selling Itty Bittys. It will be a beacon on Itty Bitty displays and used actively in social media campaigns to drive traffic in-store for the sought after collectibles.

At newsXpress, exclusivity matters!

This is another benefit of newsXpress members working together.

EXCLUSIVE Hallmark Halloween Minnie Itty Bitty

MinnieHalloweenHere is another exclusive for newsXpress members: the Halloween Minnie Itty Bitty from Hallmark. As the only retailers to have this item, newsXpress members are setup to benefit from traffic from Itty Bitty collectors and fans as they will absolutely want this item.

newsXpress exclusives such as this Minnie Itty Bitty help newsXpress members drive new traffic and incremental sales. They demonstrate the value of exclusivity thanks to working together under a common banner.

This is another newsXpress success!

EXCLUSIVE Halloween Mickey Itty Bitty

MickeyHalloweennewsXpress has secured this Halloween themed Mickey Itty Bitty from Hallmark exclusively for its retail network.

With the Hallmark Itty Bittys proving to be very popular across Australia, have exclusive of this little cutie will help newsXpress members strive traffic and sales.

This Halloween Mickey fits well with the newsXpress Halloween season.

Exclusive lines have been very popular in newsXpress this year.

newsXpress members set for exclusive Halloween Beanie Boo opportunity

156021_10153048654709112_9208210560056967141_nnewsXpress members have committed to taking all the stock for a Halloween themed beanie Boo set to be launched in Australia shortly.

Jinxy is a never before released Boo for Australia. Cute as a button, Jinxy is set to be highly sought after by the army of collectors here.

Exclusivity is an important point of difference, one newsXpress is proud to have achieved for its members, something no other buying or franchise group has been able to do for Jinxy.



ittybittyhalnewsXpress newsagency marketing group members have access to another terrific EXCLUSIVE thanks to the generosity of Hallmark. This time it’s two Halloween themed Itty Bittys. Both are only available for order from Hallmark through newsXpress stores. The will be here for Halloween.


When Hallmark offered us this opportunity we jumped at it. The success of Itty Bittys since the launch in Australia offers an excellent reason to embrace the opportunity.

25% off deal helps newsXpress newsagents win!

It’s not often a supplier to newsagents offers 25% off their regular wholesale price but that’s exactly what newsXpress delivered for its members for two weeks when a MAJOR supplier in a very important and valuable product category offered newsXpress members 25% off top-selling products.

That’s a wonderful and valuable additional margin opportunity for many highly sought after and popular product lines.

This 25% off wholesale was EXCLUSIVE to newsXpress. Talk about delivering value to members keen to drive above average business margin and to build an even better bottom line.

Many claim to help newsagents improve GP. newsXpress regularly delivers on this promise with EXCLUSIVE buying deals plus proves strategies for turning product on the shop floor into sales faster than is usually the case.

newsXpress helps newsagents get more money in the bank as this latest deal shows.

HOTink! driving customer traffic and ink sales for newsXpress newsagency businesses

IMG_1716newsXpress members are loving the latest HOTink! promotion. The photo shows part of the HOTink! promotion at newsXpress Eli Waters. They are using the collateral provided for the tablet computer give-away in-store, a terrific price that will be won by one lucky shopper at newsXpress Eli Waters.  We have shipped many tablet computers for similar in-store give-aways.

Driving additional traffic and achieving incremental sales and locking in new ink customers is a great way to start off 2014 for newsXpress members.

The latest HOTink! campaign shows off a real newsagency marketing group point of difference: good buying, excellent marketing, in-store engagement mechanics and extra special value for newsXpress shoppers and newsXpress members.

This is fun!

Newsagency marketing group helps newsagents grow their businesses


It’s one thing for a newsagency marketing group to negotiate excellent prices – as newsXpress does – and another to provide marketing merchandising and other insights to help move stock – as newsXpress cones. But these opportunities turn into excellent success when the products are EXCLUSIVE. newsXpress has more exclusive products, high in demand product, for its member newsagents.

Charming the Monkey is a very popular line in the highly sought-after collectible Beanie Boos range. It’s a Valentine’s Day special and it is EXCLUSIVE TO NEWSXPRESS.

newsXpress offers a valuable newsagency marketing group difference

valbeanieThe newsXpress newsagency marketing group delivers value to members in a number of ways and areas. One of the loved points of difference is with exclusive product.

This Valentine’s Day, newsXpress members are the only retailers in Australia to have the Ty Valentine’s Day Beanie Boos. This exclusive product has been selling well for several weeks now, generating exclusive traffic for newsXpress stores and driving excellent margin. It will deliver excellent commercial results for newsXpress members, just as we saw for the exclusive Christmas Ty Beanie Boos.

While other newsagency marketing groups claim that they are better, newsXpress has been busy locking in opportunities such as this exclusive range for its members – showing that actions speak louder than words. This is what smart newsagents want, they want products and services that help their members to derive greater value from their businesses.

This is the newsXpress difference.

newsXpress members loving EXCLUSIVE Valentines Ty Beanie Boos plush already!

beanievalThe EXCLUSIVE TO NEWSXPRESS Ty Beanie Boos product for Valentine’s Day 2014 is selling well across our group of proactive newsagents.

Released a couple of weeks ago, customers have been purchasing this exclusive line so they don’t miss out. Ty plush collectors have been seeking out newsXpress locations since newsXpress stores are the only only retail outlets with this item.

This is one of the many benefits of newsXpress – exclusive product. It generates net new traffic and drives a more valuable shopping basket from existing traffic.

newsXpress landing these deals for newsXpress members is another example of us delivering real value to members.

Newsagency marketing group Facebook campaign reaches 200,000+

hmkaflThe newsXpress newsagency marketing group funded Facebook advertising campaign last week reached 208,000 Australian Facebook users. The campaign was run as part of an exclusive newsXpress / Hallmark promotion of the Hallmark licenced AFL card products.  the Facebook campaign is part of a broader newsXpress social media brand awareness campaign being run by the group for its members.

Why newsXpress is working with Coke and the value this brings to newsXpress members

cokenewsXpress is the only newsagency marketing group to have a formal relationship with Coca Cola, the largest and most successful beverage company in Australia and the world.

newsXpress has developed the relationship over the last year and a half and in 2013 is driving even more value for newsXpress shoppers, newsXpress members, Coke and some of our partners.

We have recently had an opportunity to learn more about Coke, its positioning, its values and how this connects with us at a landmark international conference. This reinforced the important of the decision to focus on the relationship with Coke.

When you are working with the best consumer brand anything else is not what it could be.

Here are some key points about the value of the Coke brand and its connection with today’s consumer:

  • Coke is a brand that inspires optimism and happiness and hope.
  • Coke’s mission is about refreshing the world. It does this using a message of happiness and optimism.
  • Millenial consumers very concerned about the environemnt. Coke connects with them. On … water stewardship … recycling … climate protection.
  • Coke engages consumers with stories with strong and emotional content. The stories share value and create connections. This creates brand love and shared value.
  • Stories are the new currency for Coke in bulding their brand.
  • Coke invites all businesses to join in this journey on happiness and shared values.
  • The biggest shift in retail being driven by techology / mobility.

newsXpress is delivering strategic and valuable partnerships to newsXpress members, partnerships which bring their own shopper traffic and help drive greater engagement from existing shoppers.

Water Canon sells through summer

The hot summer is helping drive sales of the Water Canon brought into Australia exclusively for newsXpress. Members are reporting strong sales this past week with some ordering more stock.

In our own corporate stores we are experiencing excellent results long after the Christmas rush passed for which we originally sourced this product.

In addition to negotiating excellent supply deals, newsXpress helps members unlock opportunities with training, support and guidance to help turn products on the shop floor to money in the bank sooner.