The newsXpress merchandise team is working with our various preferred calendar suppliers to secure excellent buying opportunities for calendar products for the 2014 calendar season.
With calendars making a valuable contribution to sales in newsXpress stores, it’s appropriate that we are ready corporately and at the member store level for what looks like being another bumper year.
newsXpress is the leading newsagency marketing group in the calendar space.
We are thrilled to be able to help newsXpress members generate excellent gross profits from channel-leading margins and with the help of best practice in-store and external marketing initiatives.
newsXpress pitches its calendar offer to members through our email and merchandise team communications. This is more efficient than hauling members to meetings, taking them out of their businesses for what should be a straightforward purchase opportunity.
Our information about the 2014 calendar range is providing us with valuable insights … insights we will share confidentially with newsXpress members.