newsXpress sent double sided A1 posters to all newsXpress stores participating in our latest HOT ink! campaign – at no cost. The professional (and free) posters connect with the national brands which feature in the HOT ink! campaign and help the stores dress appropriately to reflect the value of the HOT in! offer. Using this newsXpress exclusive collateral along with the colour personalised brochures, our in-store offers newsletter and our How to save Money on Your Print Costs advice sheet combine to give newsXpress stores exclusive and valuable leverage in the valuable and growing ink space.
Did we say that newsXpress provided this additional marketing collateral for FREE? Yes. newsXpress often delivers bonus benefits to members and it does this without a marketing levy or additional charge. Like the national TV campaign – this too is being run without members funding the campaign.
As the article in the Australian Financial Review showed earlier this week, ink is a strong and growing category for newsXpress stores. It drives excellent traffic and delivers a valuable margin dollars bounce to sales. newsXpress helps members make the most of the opportunity by providing bonus collateral and tactics with which our members can engage.