Newsagency marketing group promotes AFL card range to 50,000+ on Facebook

nxaflNewsagency marketing group newsXpress has run another successful Facebook campaign, this time promoting the range of Hallmark AFL cards. Reaching 50,000 Facebook users, this campaign promoted newsXpress stores as the go to retailers for the official AFL team themed greeting cards.

newsXpress is funding more national advertising for the brand and member stores on Facebook to drive traffic and raise consumer awareness. Through this work, newsXpress is showing innovation and leadership.

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress announces two more opt-in exclusive deals

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress last week announced two more lucrative exclusive opt-in deals for members, presenting more opportunities around high-margin product that will certainly appeal to the average newsagency shopper.

Each opt-in offer is 100% optional for newsXpress members. This provides excellent flexibility and allows local businesses to make decisions that are appropriate to their circumstances.

Both product offers from last week have members talking as they are present excellent opportunities not well covered in newsagencies and gift shops. That they are exclusive is a terrific bonus for newsXpress members.

This is what newsagency marketing groups do – deliver exclusive high margin opportunities to members without a mandatory supply requirement.

Newsagency marketing group launches retailer innovation awards

Newsagency marketing group last week announced details of its 2013 retailer innovation awards.  To be announced at the second national conference for the group in 2013, the awards will recognise success and excellence in retail.

In addition to a series of category based awards, the major award, newsXpress 2013 Retail Store of the year, will win a trip to attend the National Retail Federation Conference in New York in january 2014.  This is the must-attend conference for retailers in the US, attracting 25,000+ attendees each year and featuring a roster of excellent speakers.

The awards are another differentiation for newsXpress as it continues to guide and encourage members to build stronger and more valuable businesses under the newsXpress banner.

newsXpress sets dates for more newsagency member and cluster meetings

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress has set dates for more member meetings, cluster meetings and single topic workshops as it provides even more networking and business planning opportunities for members.

While newsXpress members lover the product deals available for newsXpress members, it is these networking opportunities that deliver excellent value for members as they network with each other and experts to help build even stronger businesses.

In the latest round of meetings newsXpress is also offering easy access web based conference meetings to connect members from different states on separate topics.  This is an excellent point of difference offered by newsXpress for its member newsagents.

newsXpress members appreciate structured approach to magazine supply issues

Members of newsagency marketing group newsXpress are enjoying the structured approach offered by the group to driving a more efficient supply and handling of magazines in-store.

Delivered as part of a comprehensive magazine strategy, newsXpress has documented to members first steps in getting magazine distributors to reset supply based on key store specific information. newsXpress has provided members with a structured approach for addressing this.

The newsXpress structured approach is exclusive to us. It’s been developed for newsXpress members to help them to tap into a competitive advantage for their businesses and the group as a whole.

newsXpress believes in magazines and supports this by focussing on growth opportunities presented by good titles.

newsXpress shares insights from first half of 2013 with members

XLETNewsagency marketing group newsXpress last week shared with members information about achievements, developments and news covering the first half of this year.

This information, shared in a letter from Directors to members, demonstrates a transparency on topics often not covered in newsagency marketing group communications.

newsXpress has followed up the letter with answers for any members with questions.

Many of the highlights of the year so far are a valuable point of difference delivered by newsXpress to its members as they go to gross profit earned in business.

newsXpress is following up this latest yeat to date newsletter with another round of cluster meetings in Q2, 2013.

newsXpress announces new newsagency marketing group membership structure

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress last week announced a new membership structure for current and future members.

Delivering opportunities to save on newsagency marketing group fees, the new structure is being implemented in a way that allows current members keep current fees or embrace the new fee opportunities.

In delivering a full service newsagency marketing group suite of services for the most competitive price in the marketplace, newsXpress is showing a point of difference to newsagent members and their suppliers. It’s a point of difference newsXpress members are thrilled with – based on feedback provided by members since the announcement early last week.

newsXpress has distanced itself from other marketing groups with the price / services offer … delivering excellent in-store services, access to excellent deals and all for very competitive pricing.

By the way: newsXpress is continuing with its policy of NOT requiring members to take stock – all product offers are on an OPT-IN basis.

Facebook campaigns engage 200,000+ Facebook users for newsagency marketing group

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress has engaged with 200,000 Australians in its latest ink promotion.

Linked with our June HOT ink! sale, the Facebook campaign is another part of a comprehensive social media brand awareness campaign being funded by the newsXpress newsagency marketing group on behalf of newsXpress members.

National marketing requires a layered approach. With HOT ink! we have flyers, in-store posters, across the counter promotion and a terrific social media campaign. It’s a wonderful success story for newsXpress and its members.

Focussing on branded product is important as this is what ink shoppers tell us they want.


newsXpress newsagency marketing group focuses on Thank You in June

nxnljuneContinuing the theme of deeper and more personal engagement with shoppers, newsXpress newsagency marketing group early last week provided members with our June in-store newsletter – a newsletter focusing on promoting saying Thank You.

By providing context for this most important of human expressions, newsXpress is subtly providing context for the purchase of thank you cards from newsXpress members.

In a thoughtful campaign, newsXpress provides members with another way to share positive messages with shoppers while also remembering sales are retail lifeblood.

This newsletter is an excellent point of difference for newsXpress members.

The newsagency marketing group newsagents love

newsXpress is attracting a good mix of new members thanks to excellent word of mouth from existing members who love the group and the benefits it delivers.

Our most recent growth has come directly from the key newsXpress points of difference: broad product range, excellent suppliers and supplier deals, value for money and personal in-store visits to challenge members about their businesses.

newsXpress is providing a fresh approach to newsagency marketing, an approach that is delivering results at the cash register and this is what newsXpress members are loving – they are baking the results and often tell their newsagent colleagues.

newsXpress does not lock newsagents in on product buying

While some newsagency marketing groups lock members into buying for campaigns and seasons, newsXpress does not. For Father’s Day, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s day and other seasons, our members choose the products they want from the suppliers they want.

We were told recently that a sales person from another marketing group was putting it about that we don’t give members choice. So, here it is for all to see – newsXpress does not force product on members. Members choose their own Christmas, and other seasonal products.

We believe that every newsagency is different – we serve local communities after all. This is why our job is to provide a quite of options and leave product selection up to newsXpress members to choose what is right for their situation.

Save money on ink – shop at your local newsXpress newsagency

nxhot1The latest ink sale from newsXpress is causing a stir in newsXpress newsagencies. Delivering competitive pricing to local newsXpress businesses and backed by a national catalogue, this HOT ink! campaign is delivering good results already thanks to some very smart in-store engagement.

The newsXpress members generating the best early results have gone all out to promote this HOT ink! Sale with posters, flyers, counter mats and other collateral to drive shopper awareness and through this ink sales.

The success newsXpress members are reporting proves the maxim – you make your own success!

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress helps newsagents with winter product offers and ideas

Well in advance of the winter chills hitting many parts of Australia, newsXpress pitched a range of product ideas and marketing initiatives to newsXpress members to help prepare them for marketing opportunities in driving business performance.

As a fully engaged newsagency marketing group, newsXpress regularly promotes access to products, deals and marketing initiatives that combine to deliver competitive and business-defining value opportunities for newsXpress members.

This is a newsXpress difference, demonstrating further value for exclusive for the newsXpress newsagency marketing group membership.

Promoting Top Model to a younger demographic

nxtopmodelnewsXpress members are enjoying terrific success promoting the Top Model range of products in-store.

The feedback is that the shoppers for these items are also purchasing other items including magazines … making them efficient in terms of basket depth and margin dollars banked.

Finding items like Top Model at competitive newsXpress member pricing is just part of the strategy. Insights that help turn the investment into cash is the key. This is where newsXpress members make money from insights and advice, it’s where newsXpress excels and what attracts newsagents to join our group.

Welcoming new members to our newsagency marketing group

newsXpress is thrilled to welcome the following new members to the group across several states:

  • newsXpress West Lakes (SA)
  • newsXpress Heathmont (VIC)
  • newsXpress Panania (NSW)
  • newsXpress Vogue Plaza – Youth Yarra (VIC)

These are a mixture of shopping centre and high street based businesses. Vogue Plaza is a conversion from Supanews.

We are thrilled to be adding to the newsXpress community and to be doing this across diverse geographic locations and business situations. This diversity adds to the community overall.

newsXpress focuses on the member – we seek out proactive business owners who share our goals and ideals … more so than the size of their business.

newsXpress helps members promote magazines in more ways

ClubCardWebsiteBannernewsXpress provides members with more ways of supporting the magazine category in their businesses. In addition to an excellent in-store loyalty program, external email campaigns, posters promoting the category and strategies for driving shop floor shopper engagement, we also provide art like that included in this post as a base image for emails sent by the store.

It’s easy for any marketing organisation to say they help a business or retailer in an area of their business, it’s hard to deliver on this promise.  newsXpress delivers when it comes to leveraging magazines. While there is no doubt that print media has challenges, newsXpress understands the opportunity and the opportunities for the medium term.

The result is good sales for newsXpress members who engage in our broad successful magazine management and marketing strategies.

newsXpress members preparing for zombie fun

nxzombieTwo weeks ago, newsXpress members were presented an excellent range of zombi themed products. Our buying team had seen many of these at the Gift Fair in Hong Kong last month.

We knew these zombi themed products would be winner products because of the success of TV shows like The Walking Dead and the mega hit movies like WorldWar Z.

Thanks to relationships with our preferred suppliers, newsXpress taps into popular products that extend the reach of what is and sold in today’s modern newsagency. In pitching the products, which are optional for newsXpress members, we provide context to help members understand the opportunity.

The opportunity for the zombie products is for a themed range as well as adding them to the mix for key upcoming seasons.

This is the newsXpress difference, one pitched to members two weeks ago in our promotional communication.

newsXpress hosts more cluster meetings for members in regional locations

newsXpress is hosting a cluster meeting for members on the Gold Coast next week.  This is another of our series of successful, engaging and open cluster meetings.

Agenda free, these meetings are the ultimate newsXpress member driven networking discussion. feedback from participants so far has been excellent as members love the areas they have got to cover and the business-valuable outcomes they have been able to achieve.

newsXpress has developed its exclusive cluster meetings for 2013 as a unique way of helping regional members engage in discussions with each other and with experts from the newsXpress team. The results speak for themselves – great attendance and terrific interaction.

Access to the cluster meetings is free.

Exclusive magazine management strategy for newsagents from newsagency marketing group

newsXpress offers its members access to our exclusive, tested and proven magazine strategy.  This multi-faceted strategy works on growing sales of magazines where possible and reducing the cost of non-performing titles.  It’s structured, professional and only available to newsXpress members.

We see in our own sales data the success of a structured and professional approach to magazines – in terms of sales success and business success by mitigating the situation around poor supply terms.

Just a few weeks ago, newsXpress further enhanced the our services around managing the magazine category and newsXpress members are engaging and embracing the opportunity. Helping newsXpress members in this way extends the value delivered by newsXpress.

The latest enhancements focus on helping newsXpress members drive an even stronger GP result for the business.

Newsagency marketing group newsXpress promotes EOFY diaries

nxeofyNewsagency marketing group newsXpress is helping its member newsagents to promote end of financial year diaries with fresh collateral.

The marketing materials have been provided to newsXpress members for use in-store and externally. They can be adjusted for a range of uses – to drive sales of the diaries.

End of financial year diaries continue to be an excellent opportunity for newsXpress members. thanks to the advice of our merchandise team we are able to help make the most of the once a year opportunity.

This is a terrific newsXpress difference.