newsXpress Eli Waters loves History and Heraldry products

history-eliw.JPGRight across newsXpress stores the History and Heraldry range deliver excellent business.  This is true at newsXpress Eli Waters in Queensland where a well-located stand of products from History and Heraldry product work a treat in a good traffic location.

Supplied to newsXpress members on preferential terms, this range of products works throughout the year and with greeting card purchases.  It is connecting suppliers from different categories where newsXpress adds value to supplier and member relationships.

With 130 preferred suppliers available to members, newsXpress is well positioned to help members drive good business … as is happening at newsXpress Eli Waters with History and Heraldry products.

Wedding promotion at newsXpress Pakenham

wedding-pakenham.JPGnewsXpress Pakenham is promoting a range of wedding products in one of their windows in the lead up to wedding season with this terrific display for Pakenham shoppers.  newsXpress preferred suppliers have an excellent range of wedding products including keepsakes, cards, gifts, mementos … all to make a wedding occasion more memorable for the couple and guests.

Wedding promotion at newsXpress Manly West

wedding-manlywest.JPGnewsXpress Manly West in Queensland has been promoting a range of wedding products on a promotional table in the lead up to wedding season with this terrific display for Manly West shoppers.  newsXpress preferred suppliers have an excellent range of wedding products including keepsakes, cards, gifts, mementos … all to make a wedding occasion more memorable for the couple and guests.

Smurfs a hit at newsXpress

smurfs-wetherill.JPGnewsXpress members who embraced the Smurfs opportunity have been having a terrific time with good sales to existing customers plus excellent sales to new customers attracted by their carrying of the Smurf range of figurines and other products.  Timed to lead into the launch of the new Smurf movie, this newsXpress promotion has been a winner for newsXpress stores across Australia.

Beanie kids at newsXpress Station Square

beanie-stationsq.JPGnewsXpress Station Square is promoting an excellent range of Beanie Kids from our newsXpress preferred supplier Skansen with this excellent power end display. It faces shoppers as they enter the newsagency … and drives excellent business as a result. This is what newsXpress members do when they support a preferred supplier – they get right behind the opportunity for the benefit of the business, its customers and they suppliers!

Australiana sells at Sunbury Square

australiana-sunbury.JPGnewsXpress Sunbury Square is enjoying terrific sales from their range of Australiana which has been on display in their window. Sourced through a newsXpress preferred supplier, this range of Australiana is a terrific point of difference for newsXpress Sunbury Square, making for ideal Christmas gifts for shoppers looking for things to send overseas.

Click on the image to see a larger version of the photo.

Great gift department at newsXpress Runaway Bay

gift-runawaybay.JPGCheck out the gift department at newsXpress Runaway Bay. Well, actually, this is just part of their gift department. They support newsXpress preferred suppliers in sourcing products and drive excellent sales from the range of products on offer. Buying well and generating good sales through newsXpress tactics and engagement creates a valuable win win for the business. Click on the image to see a larger version of the photo.

Expanded M-Cups Range at newsXpress Ocean Grove

mcups-oceangrove.JPGnewsXpress Ocean Grove has been leveraging the success they had with the M-Cups in our Christmas catalogue last year by offering this expanded range as part of their broader gift offer.  It is a terrific connection for the business with a now well-known brand.  It also leveraged the excellent sales of food titles – by selling items food magazine purchasers are likely to be happy to add to their shopping basket.

newsXpress offers members a broad range of products with which they can build more efficient and valuable shopping baskets.  Our national merchandise team helps members who want to grow their business in this way by suggesting products based on local purchasing patterns.

Ocean Grove shoppers know where to go for unique gifts thanks to the excellent retailing work of the newsXpress Ocean Grove team.

History and Heraldry Basket Building Opportunity

historyheraldry.JPGWhile retailers often complain about spinners, the space they take and the views of the retail space they block, the spinners from history and heraldry are successful in newsXpress locations –delivering excellent results in a variety of retail situations.

We love it when we see a product range work so well in so many situations. This is the case with the History and Heraldry range.

Thanks to the newsXpress relationship we are able to help members achieve the maximum from this opportunity.

With 125 preferred suppliers now, newsXpress is well placed to deliver the very best deals for newsagents. We back these deals with genuine value through strategies and tactics for turning the deals into sales at the cash register.

Hallmark recordable Storybooks Ideal for Father’s Day

fathers-recordablest.JPGHallmark recordable storybooks are being promoted by Hallmark on TV in time for Father’s Day this year. They make a wonderful gift not only for Father’s Day but all year through as many of our newsXpress members are finding.

These innovative and interactive books show off the value and commitment Hallmark delivers in its very special relationship with newsXpress. We are grateful to have these recordable storybooks available through the newsXpress network and are thrilled at the contribution they have made this Father’s Day.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Riverlink

fathers-riverlinkoverall.JPGnewsXpress Riverlink has had a terrific Father’s Day 2011 with excellent card and gift sales.

The sales growth and success is very much as a result of the extraordinary commitment from the team at the store promoting  Hallmark cards and a tremendous range of Father’s Day gifts including the Cadbury toolkit – which sold out a few days before Father’s Day.

As the photo shows, professional merchandising can drive excellent sales outcomes.

Congratulations to Belinda and the newsXpress Riverlink team for representing newsXpress so well this Father’s Day.

newsXpress Woden Promoting Father’s Day

fathers-woden.jpgnewsXpress Woden at the Westfield shopping centre in Woden has been promoting an excellent range of gifts and cards as part of their Father’s Day campaign this year.

Located at the entrance to the newsagency, the wonderful range has been well shopped through the season showing the value of good buying and professional merchandising to show off the product.

Like so many newsXpress stores, Father’s Day 2011 has been a terrific season at newsXpress Woden.

Father’s Day Book Sale at Roselands

fathers-roselands.JPGnewsXpress Roselands has been running another book and gift sale as a massive outpost at the Westfield Roselands shopping centre.

Taking over centre court, this display looks fantastic as it takes the newsXpress business outside its four walls and well into the shopping centre.

Talk about promoting books, gifts and cards in a bold way for Father’s Day.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Milsons Point

fathers-milsons.jpgnewsXpress Milsons Point has been promoting Father’s Day Hallmark cards and a wonderful range of gifts in a high traffic location easily seen by all shoppers in the store.  With gifts including the Cadbury toolboox, they are showing off items from newsXpress preferred suppliers and making the most of this terrific Father’s Day season.

Cadbury Father’s Day Gift a Feature at newsXpress Knox

fathers-cards-giftss1.jpgThe Cadbury’s tool box is a feature product of the father’s Day 2011 display at newsXpress Knox City in Victoria. Competitively priced, this toolbox positions newsXpress beautifully since we get to promote Australian’s best known chocolate brand through a unique and Father’s Day product at a compelling price and with a good margin.

By supporting well-known brands, newsXpress members are able to demonstrate a commitment to value and to leverage excellent sales.

Great Father’s Day outpost at newsXpress Macarthur

fathers-macarthur.JPGnewsXpress Macarthur in NSW has been running an excellent outpost for Father’s Day, promoting Hallmark Cards along with a wonderful selection of Father’s Day gifts.  This outpost is not only driving excellent sales for the business.  It is also further promoting the newsXpress brand within the Macarthur Shopping Centre, outside the core newsXpress business itself.  Well done to everyone involved!

Hallmark Recordable Storybooks a Hit for Father’s Day

What a wonderful gift for Father’s Day … recoding dad or grandpa reading a story. The Hallmark recordable storybooks are a perfect Father’s Day gift. They are the gift of heartfelt memories. A gift which lasts much longer than the day itself.

newsXpress is thrilled to be carrying these recordable storybooks from hallmark – and leveraging the excellent TV commercial which Hallmark is currently running to promote the range.

Smurfs Movie Mania Helps drive Smurf Sales at Wetherill Park

smurfs-w-front.JPGIf you visit the Stockland Centre at Wetherill Park you cannot miss the Smurfs display on he dance floor at the entrance to newsXpress Wetherill Park. This display connects beautifully with the tremendous interest being created by the soon to release Smurf movie.

Offering a broad range of old and new (for the movie) Smurf merchandise, this display connects newsXpress Wetherill Park with brand Smurf in a successful and rewarding way.

The display can be seen from the mall – this is how it attracts traffic to the newsagency.

The newsXpress merchandise team created this opportunity for newsXpress members months ago. Early engagement by newsXpress members is delivering excellent results.

newsXpress appreciates the supplier support of the Smurf opportunity.  The success with this demonstrates the important role national brands can play in retail success.

Father’s Day Offers at newsXpress Cooma

fathers-cooma.JPGnewsXpress Cooma has been promoting a terrific Father’s Day offer with this excellent display running down the centre of the newsagency – offering gifts leading beautifully into their display of Hallmark Father’s Day cards.  You can’t miss it if you visit newsXpress Cooma.

Supported by our newsXpress Father’s Day collateral, the display offers a captivating presence in the newsagency, making the most of the seasonal opportunity.