New collateral for promoting the Gibson gift range

newsXpress is releasing marketing collateral for newsXpress members promoting the wonderful range of gifts from our friends at Gibson.

This collateral will be used by newsXpress members to signpost the gift department and promote Gibson specific product displays and window presentations.

The collateral respects both the Gibson and newsXpress brands without getting in the raw of drawing shopper attention to a fine range of gifts in-store. It also fist well with traditional newsXpress store colours.

newsXpress has a track record for providing members with fresh and enticing marketing collateral for in-store use.

Promoting AFL Beanie Kids at the counter

newsXpress Woden is promoting the AFL beanie Kids range at the sales counter with this excellent tactical placement.  The result is terrific sales in a marketplace which sees considerable competition for AFL products from NRL products.

The smart tactical placement by the team at newsXpress Woden is clearly working well for the business and for the AFL Beanie Kids range.

In addition to AFL Beanie Kids attracting shoppers, newsXpress Woden is attracting shoppers with a wonderful range of gifts on display in a window facing into the mall. Indeed, the gift offer managed by this business is one of the best in the newsXpress group.

Extraordinary Beanie Kids success challenges retailer assumptions

The up-take of Beanie Kids in newsXpress stores since our March national conference in Melbourne has seen a tripling of newsXpress members engaged with the range.

Sales are excellent. Once newsXpress location is selling, on average, $1,000 in Beanie Kids product a week, solely as a result of attending the conference and taking on board the insights from Skansen on the Beanie Kid opportunity.

It is one thing to negotiate deals for members and another to share insights and knowledge which can be leveraged into extraordinary sales.

One newsXpress member who resisted the Beanie Kid opportunity is shocked (in a good way) at the results. The sales success has been a reminder that he is not his customer.

From the successful AFL Beanie Kid range through to the full premium package, newsXpress members are driving excellent sales results for their businesses and for our commercial partner Skansen.

Windups a hit in newsXpress stores

newsXpress members are reporting excellent sales from the funky Wind Ups range which was recently released through one of our preferred suppliers.

Presented via a range of flexible merchandising options, Wind Ups attract shoppers when placed toward the front of the store as well as extending the shopping basket – given the impulse purchase nature of the toys.

Wind Ups look like kids products. We are seeing older people purchase them for kids as well as for themselves. There is an element of nostalgia to the range.  Some shoppers purchase them as gifts for pets – cats especially love them.

newsXpress not only negotiates access to excellent products at competitive prices, it provides insights and information that enables the product offers to be turned into sales.  This is a bankable difference newsXpress offers to members … insights which result in sales.

newsXpress is able to share with members details of how to access the Wind Ups and how to ensure you get maximum return from these fantastic products.

Hard keeping up with Beanie Boos

One newsXpress store carrying the Beanie Boos range is selling close to 40 of these cute little plush things a week. The key is the placement – at the front of the newsagency. they attract shoppers who might otherwise not have visited the business. They are also added to baskets of shoppers visiting for other purchases.

Sourced from one of our newsXpress preferred suppliers at promoted most recently at our national conference, the Beanie Boos range is proving to be a product hit for participating newsXpress members.

newsXpress has personal experience with the Beanie Boos range carrying it in our corporate stores with tremendous success.

newsXpress Ocean Grove taps jewellery opportunity

newsXpress Ocean Grove has developed an excellent reputation in the region for its gift range.

In addition to excellent offers for major seasons, newsXpress Ocean Grove offers a year-round range of gifts including jewellery related items. One of their recent successes has been these jewellery stands from one of our newsXpress preferred suppliers. Acting as a prop for products as well as a product for sale in its own right, the jewellery stand is different to what shoppers expect to see in a newsagency.

newsXpress Ocean Grove innovates in product range as well as in merchandising, making the most of opportunities from newsXpress preferred suppliers … bringing fresh products to Ocean Grove locals and those who pass through.

newsXpress East Maitland supports Optus and Beanie Kids

newsXpress East Maitland is supporting Optus and Beanie Kids with two displays at the counter, facing shoppers. Both offers are working a treat in this high-traffic location, showing off products shoppers easily consider on impulse even though they may have visited the newsagency for some other item.

While it may seem odd having such different products next to each other, the placement speaks to the diversity of shoppers newsXpress East Maitland serves.

Beanie Kids are selling well right across newsXpress thanks to support from Skansen.

Optus handsets and recharge are proving to be a valuable newsXpress offer thanks to support form Jenlist.

newsXpress helps members profit from Lolita glasses

newsXpress is proud to have introduced many newsXpress members to the range of Lolita glasses by including them in seasonal offers for some time now. Most recently, they were part of a range of products offerd for Mother’s Day from which members could choose the products they wanted to card for the season – if any at all.

Thanks to the introduction of the range by newsXpress we have newsXpress members who are now stocking the glasses with regularity and enjoying excellent sales success as a result.

newsXpress researches and presents a broad range of products including gifts to newsXpress members, leaving the purchasing decision to individual stores to decide what is appropriate to their needs and circumstances. newsXpress members tell us they love that they are not forced to take products.

Members who have taken on the Lolita glasses range year round are enjoying excellent sales, banking wonderful margin dollars as a result.

newsXpress is proud to share this and other success stories enjoyed by newsXpress members.

Congratulations to newsXpress Canterbury

What a great way to showcase preferred suppliers including strategic partner Hallmark. Hallmark’s recordable storybook range is a wonderful gift for any child.

This wonderful baby gift display encourages customers to purchase multiple gifts. The display tells a story and positions the business as the go-to baby gift place. This will drive word of mouth and increase shopper traffic.

The market for newborn items is growing and will continue to grow.

Just remember when you set up a display as newsXpress Canterbury have done, think about product placement.  The first thing your customer will want to buy is a card. If your baby gifts are placed in an accessible area near those cards it will provide the customer the opportunity to purchase that gift they need.

AFL Beanie Kids go nuts across newsXpress stores

The AFL Beanie Kid range has gone nuts across newsXpress newsagency stores with some having sold out their initial allocation four times over.

The photo shows the stand at newsXpress Pakenham early in the season. Their AFL Beanie Kid sales have been excellent as Pakenham locals have been shopping for Beanie Kids for their favourite AFL teams.

Thanks to our friends at Skansen Brands we have been able to source products and invaluable product knowledge and education with which we can maximise the opportunity. Sometimes, having them product is just part not the requirement – product knowledge and understanding the shopper helps you make the most from the opportunity.

This is a newsXpress difference – taking product knowledge and turning it into something genuinely unique and valuable. Once you add product accessibility you have a commercial winner.

While AFL beanie Kids are a challenge to source at the moment, newsXpress is well placed to make this work for stores not only for this season but for the Beanie Kid range throughout the year.

In the newsagency space, newsXpress owns the Beanie Kid opportunity.

Wild Republic enjoying success at newsXpress Bairnsdale and across the network

newsXpress Bairnsdale is promoting a broader range of the Wild Republic which was offered to newsXpress members at our national conference last month. This range is fun and engaging, connecting with a valuable shopper demographic and driving excellent impulse business. newsXpress stores, like Bairnsdale, which embraced the Wild Republic opportunity are reporting excellent results.

In addition to the fun of the Wild republic range is their commitment to education. Wild Republic educates children about the beauty and wonders of nature in entertaining and creative ways. Their products have been praised around the world. here in Australia they are supported by the Australia Zoo.

The quality and educational and social value of the Wild Republic range is unquestionable. This is why newsXpress is proud to be offering it in newsXpress stores and is thrilled to be enjoying excellent slew as a result.

The commercial and social success of Wild Republic is another example of the newsXpress difference. Sure we could source a cheap China knock-off. But it would not come with the added value and it is this added value which drives value for the business in the long term.

Brands are important in the newsagency channel, now more than ever. Those who do not get this will realise their mistake eventually. newsXpress has a plan and this is reflected in our preferred supplier product portfolio.

Customers loving Blooming Expressions from Hallmark

Many newsXpress stores across Australian has the Blooming Expressions products on the shop floor as part of their card and gift range. This is especially timely for the Mother’s Day season.

With Blooming Expressions, newsXpress shoppers get to show someone your love in a special fresh new way … many times over and remaining fresh. They are a completely new take on giving flowers.

We see the Hallmark Blooming Expressions as being something to give from a child to a parent, friend to friend, partner to partner or just because … a Blooming Expressions makes a wonderful and memorable gift where you want your feelings to be recalled easily on the desk, mantle piece or the bedside table.

Placed in high-traffic locations in newsXpress stores, the Blooming Expressions range helps newsXpress position itself as innovative in the card and gift space.

Through our strategic partnership with Hallmark, newsXpress has been able to ensure easy access to the Blooming Expressions range for newsXpress members along with valuable insights with which we can turn the product opportunity into sales.


Beanie Kids at newsXpress Whittlesea

Like so many newsXpress stores, newsXpress Whittlesea is thrilled to have the Beanie Kids range in-store and in a high traffic location.

These cute collectibles are a treat for customers of all ages. newsXpress members are benefiting from having access to valuable commercial information thanks to information shared at our conference. Members are turning the stra5egies and tactics shared into sales.

We’re loving the Beanie Kids range at newsXpress … the traffic, the sales! This is a hit product which we are driving well as a newsXpress difference.

AFL cards and beanie Kids at newsXpress Parkmore

newsXpress Parkmore has embraced the AFL opportunity with a range of AFL themed products including the AFL team colours Beanie Kids range.

This excellent display facing shoppers as they enter the business has been attracting shoppers into the business and driving a deeper sales basket from shoppers visiting to purchase other items.

In AFL crazy Melbourne it is a display like this which can add real value to sales.

newsXpress has been able to help members embrace the AFL Beanie Kid opportunity with inventory as well as promotional ideas to make the most of it.

A Beanie Kid Easter

With more newsXpress stores taking on the premium range of Beanie Kids in-store many are reporting excellent sales not only of the two Easter Beanie Kid products but also the Splats Painter Bear Beanie Kid. This is helping newsXpress stores achieve more sales for Easter this year.

Thanks to valuable sales and collector insights shared at the newsXpress conference last month in Melbourne, newsXpress members are well informed for driving excellent sales results from the Beanie range for seasons like Easter and all year round.

Kids playing blocks make for a powerful display

newsXpress Inverloch has created some excellent visual excitement in-store with this display of high-quality kids playing blocks which were sourced through newsXpress preferred supplier Jasnor.

Click on the image to see the detail of the simple yet highly effective and impactful display.

What we like about the display is that it pitches the business differently to the traditional newsagency look and this will become more important as retail and newsagencies change.

Blooming Expressions help people share expression in a fresh way

The Blooming Expressions range from newsXpress strategic partner Hallmark has been rolling out to newsXpress locations across Australia.

We are enjoying having access to this new market-tested product form Hallmark, giving us something quite new to offer shoppers looking for a new way to express their feelings to a loved-one.

the photo shows the Blooming Expressions stand positioning at newsXpress Ocean Grove in Victoria.

Providing an interactive and personal reminder of affection, the flower which opens is new to the Australian shopper. With supply limited, we are thrilled that newsXpress stores were provided early opportunity to offer this product.

Beanie Kids at newsXpress Miranda

newsXpress Miranda has been promoting the Easter Beanie Kids and the newsXpress Easter colouring competition with this window display.

The Easter Beanie Kids have been a massive success story across newsXpress stores with many stores selling out early in the season. the success has been thanks to our TV promotion as well as promotion via Facebook and in other media by newsXpress and newsXpress members. This is an excellent example of good value basket building around seasons.