Released today, the 2025 Tooth Fairy Uncirculated Coin and Kit.
This will sell out for sure.
For decades, Aussie youngsters have woken with sheer delight to discover the Tooth Fairy has visited them. A baby tooth hidden under their pillow is gone, but a treasured coin lies in its place. The Royal Australian Mint is the Tooth Fairy’s official supplier of coins.
This special Tooth Fairy Kit includes a charming coin keepsake, a bamboo toothbrush, glitter pen, and tooth chart for children to keep track of lost teeth.
The Tooth Fairy has been a part of the lives of Australian children since the 1920s. Parents and grandparents alike will have fond memories of leaving a tooth out overnight and discovering that a silver coin had magically appeared by the next morning.
The 2025 dated coin features the Tooth Fairy playfully perched on a garden mushroom surrounded by flowers.
- Adorable coin design by Aaron Baggio featuring the Tooth Fairy sitting on a mushroom
- The coin’s obverse features the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III designed by Daniel Thorne
- Australian legal tender
- Fun packaging featuring a keepsake drawer and mirror
- Small drawstring pouch
- Tooth chart
- A bamboo toothbrush to encourage youngsters to take care of their smiles
- A floating glitter pen for a touch of magic