Newsagency management advice: Boosting Business and Community Spirit

Free management advice from newsxpress for all newsagents.

This strategy offers a mutually beneficial approach to increasing customer base, supporting local communities, and enhancing brand reputation. By partnering with a well-regarded community group, businesses can tap into a new customer demographic while contributing to a worthy cause.

Identify a local community group that enjoys widespread support and has a membership base that overlaps minimally with your existing customer profile. Propose a partnership where the business offers a percentage of each purchase made by group members and their families to the organisation. In return, members receive a discount on their purchases.

Careful consideration should be given to the financial implications of the offer, ensuring it aligns with profit margins and anticipated sales increases. A trial period can help assess the campaign’s effectiveness and allow for adjustments as needed.

Leveraging point-of-sale software can streamline the process, allowing for easy tracking of discounts and donations through dedicated member cards. These cards can become a sought-after symbol of membership and community involvement.

The primary objective of this campaign is to attract new customers and generate additional revenue. While offering a discount may reduce profit margins on individual sales, it is justifiable as an acquisition cost for new business.

To maximise the campaign’s impact, actively engage with the community group to encourage member participation.Celebrate the partnership through public events, social media, and storytelling to foster a strong sense of community and mutual support.

This collaborative approach embodies the spirit of local commerce, where businesses and residents work together to create a thriving community. By utilising point-of-sale technology, businesses can effectively manage the campaign and measure its success.

newsXpress provides more comprehensive advice than covered here. It’s proprietary so we’d not going into the full details for obvious reasons.

The strategy outlined here benefits the business and community group but can also enhance brand reputation.

By aligning with a valued local organisation, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and strengthen their connection with the community. Positive word-of-mouth generated by satisfied customers and the community group can significantly boost brand awareness and loyalty.

Good luck and enjoy your local community.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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