Plenty of newsXpress stores have wonderful Pusheen ranges for local shoppers including gorgeous Christmas Pusheen.
Pusheen is a wonderful and cute character. Fun. Lovable. Irascible. Loved by so many.
newsXpress stores are thrilled to be able to bring ghr wonderful and cute Pusheen to cities and towns across Australia. We have plush stationery items, the calendar, gifts, toys and plenty more from the Pusheen range.
Very soon, we will launch an exclusive Pusheen that will only be available from newsXpress in Australia. we are grateful and excited for the opportunity to bring this to wonderful Pusheen collectors here.
So, who or what is Pusheen?
Pusheen is a female cartoon cat who is the subject of comic strips and sticker sets on Facebook. Pusheen was created in 2010 by Claire Belton and Andrew Duff for a comic strip on their website. This is from the history of Pusheen on WikiPedia.
The typical collector can range from 5 or 6 through to 80+. We have customers who have loved cats all their lives who buy Pusheen for their nursing home room. This brings cats to their new homes and helps them remain connected to their furry friends.
What is really interesting is that around 40% of Pusheen collectors are boys and guys. because, k of course, boys and guys like cats … without a doubt. Cats are cute, huggable, adorable and wonderful companions, as is Pusheen.
More from WikiPedia: On the official Pusheen website Pusheen is described as being a female domestic shorthair who is grey and tabby. The original comic strip series included characters modeled after Belton, Duff, their dog named Care, and Pusheen, a chubby grey tabby cat based on Belton’s cat that now lives with her parents in Oregon. Pusheen’s name stems from the word puisín, which means kitten in Irish. Pusheen happens to have a sister Stormy. Both cats seemed to be changed in theme, such as Pusheenasarus Rex, where Pusheen is a dinosaur and Stormy is in a dinosaur egg.
Pusheen collectors have Pusheen at home, at work, in the car, in the school bag, at the breakfast table, while studying, which reading … Pusheen is active and out living life with the collectors.