newsXpress launched the range of Cheeki stainless steel water bottles months ago and what a success they have been! newsXpress store after store is reporting excellent sales, many reordering three and four times. The sell through is extraordinary.
newsXpress has made Cheeki a success for members with range and merchandising advice, pricing which delivers an excellent margin to newsXpress members and with vital information to help team members sell the benefits of the Cheeki product.
We have deliberately not talked much about the extraordinary Cheeki bottle success enjoyed by newsXpress members as we know people visit here to copy our success stories.
What a great newsXpress story! Kudos for newsXpress corporately, and our merchandise team in particular, in delivering the Cheeki initiative and excellent profit for members from a product line which was unexpected for a traditional newsagency business.
Yes, the Cheeki bottle story is the newsXpress difference in action.