Tax time stationery deal for newsagents

newsXpress is proud to lead the market again with this two page flyer promoting tax time deals of BRAND NAME stationery.

The strategy behind this campaign is the realignment of consumer attitude to stationery pricing and range in newsagencies and in particular newsXpress newsagencies. This is a long term campaign which has been developed with the support of key brand name stationery companies.


newsXpress members across Australia are delivering this flyer to homes around their stores and enjoying the resulting stationery sales kick.

Watergardens, coming soon

We are deep in the middle of building a new corporate store at the Watergardens Shopping Centre in Victoria. We are using this as a test bed for innovations we plan to share with our membership including plasma poster units, Irish magazine fixturing and a new warm and soft overall feel.


The store will open at the end of this quarter.

Member meetings rock

Central to the newsXpress offer is regular member meetings. These are held every six to eight weeks in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane with between 80% and 100% member attendance. Members leave the meetings invigorated with practical ideas ready to implement in their businesses and the newsXpress team leaves with good feedback which will help create a more successful over for member newsagents.

newsXpress is a unique marketing group for newsagents. We focus on the positive and use the member meetings to motivate and guide our members to greater success.

Store visits are important

newsXpress has a vigorous store visit program, spending time with members to guide, encourage and motivate. These visits are two-way leading to newsXpress learning how to better serve members.


The photo shows newsXpress Goulburn owner John Stein and newsXpress CEO Mark Nagy in John’s shop last week. John has been with newsXpress for a year and has actively embraced the marketing, ranging and management strategies. newsXpress, for its part, benefits from John’s decades in the newsagency channel – wisdom like his is invaluable.

Congratulations to newsXpress Gympie

Congratulations to Warrick and his team at newsXpress Gympie for reaching the number 1 spot in the ACP Emerald Club. newsXpress Gympie is one of 7 newsagents in the town of Gympie and competes with all the major retailers in the area. This result has been achieved by participating in every promotion with ACP and continually driving sales of his magazines through Beacon Branding, the use of the Magazine Club Card and local store marketing. It is Warrick’s relentless focus on in store promotions and marketing that make newsXpress Gympie a credit to the newsXpress brand and we look forward to seeing more of the wonderful ideas and promotions that come from Warrick and his team.

Detail drives ink and toner success


Beyond ranging advice, negotiating prices and providing marketing materials, the newsXpress ink and toner strategy even supports stores with simple things such as product labels. It is this attention to detail in the package of support materials from newsXpress which is driving success for our members in areas such as ink and toner.

With the focus on respected brands such as Epson, Canon, HP and Lexmark, it is only appropriate that we are professional in our price and description presentation. It is also an ideal opportunity to connect this with the newsXpress brand.

The price labels and other support material is provided as part of the complete package from the group without any additional cost to our members. …another example of the newsXpress difference.

Giveaways push stationery sales

The free filing box we have provided to newsXpress stores to give away with each box of Double A paper sold is working well. Being exclusive to newsXpress, our members can actively promote this knowing that no other business can match them.


Giveaways such as this filing box better connect newsXpress newsagencies with the home office market. That it is built around a brand not promoted in key newsagent competitors means we offer a brand point of difference as well.

newsXpress is committed to bringing more of these practical traffic building deals to its members.

Productivity Commission inquiry

newsXpress last week registered as a party interested in making a submission to the Federal Government’s Productivity Commission Inquiry into Retail tenancies. This submission will be made on behalf of all newsXpress members.