Australian newsagents have a bright future thanks to newsXpress

newsXpress helps newsagents transition their businesses to be relevant, appealing and sought out.

Our in-store and online strategies help newsagents run businesses that appeal across age groups and different special interests.

We help newsagents move from the old newsagent model to something enjoyable for the retailer and appealing for local shoppers and findable by shoppers elsewhere.

What we do for each newsXpress member depends on their situation and what they want from us. Every business is different. Every business owner has different needs.

While all newsXpress members have access to our preferred suppliers, network wide connected websites, seasonal collateral, digital assets and networking opportunities, it is in our personal, business-specific, help where value can be found for plenty of newsXpress members.

We assess your business data as we prefer to offer advice based on evidence. Often when we do this we discover opportunities missed, low hanging fruit to be picked.

The approach is whole of business, considering location, product mix, financial resources, people resources and what you want and need from the business.

While we have members who prefer to do this work for themselves, we have others who appreciate a more engaged approach.

How much or little newsXpress members and our head office team members work together is entirely under control of each newsXpress member.

Nothing is required or mandatory.

When it comes to in-store retail though, we help you with the everyday:

  • Buy price. We help you buy better.
  • Stock turn. We help you sell products sooner.
  • We help you reduce the cost of theft.
  • We help you cast your business differently, to help improve shopper stickiness.
  • New traffic. We help you attract people not shopping with you today.
  • We help you tame them.

We help you make things happen by being actively engaged.

newsXpress is not a franchise. We have a simple low monthly fee. We make it easy for members to engage with what they want and when they want. From the personal through to the group-wide, newsXpress is here to help its member businesses thrive in a changing economy, to be relevant locally and outside the local area.

We are grateful to the many newsagents who have trusted us to work with them and their businesses.

newsXpress supports shop local, shop small business

newsXpress Google+ strategy helps members reach new shoppers

gplusThe Google Plus marketing and community engagement strategy launched two months ago is spreading through newsXpress members as they are engaging with this online / social media opportunity through creating engaged pages that better connect the business with locals. The training and support provided by newsXpress is proving to be invaluable to members as they embrace the free platform for connecting with shoppers and making their voice heard in this fresh and 2014 way.

Helping those buying a newsagency find their feet and grow their businesses

newsXpress is successful attracting people new to the newsagency businesses.  Whether it is people buying a newsagency or those who have purchased a newsagency and already running it.

Our training, our networking sessions, our preferred suppliers, our in-store support and our personal assistance on a broad range of issues is proving to be a boon for new newsagents.  We help them fast-track to make decisions as if they had been in the business of many years.

newsXpress membership can substitute for experience.

Tapping into the deep well of newsXpress experience in our staff team as well as in our broader membership base, we leverage the group on behalf of these new newsagents and help them more effectively compete than if they were not in newsXpress.

The support for new newsagents has been evident during our recent round of newsXpress member meetings where new newsagents have been able to access a d leverage opportunities which one usually only sees far more experienced newsagents accessing.

This is the newsXpress difference in action, helping newsXpress members create more profitable and successful businesses.

This is another reason newsXpress locations are much sought after by other newsagency marketing groups.



The article posted here discusses results of a study that examined successful strategies and tactics used by businesses in smaller communities to compete against major discount chains. The majors are happy to take your business. If you want you can take it back! Read the article via the attached link.



newsXpress is a supporter of all industry events nationally and was a sponsor of the QNF conference this week. With over 130 suppliers and newsagents attending it was a great day for all.

Pictured are QNF President and newsXpress Caboolture proprietor Jim Cassimatis with Bradley Dean ANF Director for Queensland and proprietor of newsXpress GPO in Brisbane.


Captivated audience members at a presentation during the afternoon.


Mark Fletcher, newsXpress Director and store proprietor presenting a topic on ‘Becoming an Entrepreneurial Newsagent’


Ann Nugent CEO of the QNF (formerly of newsXpress Camp Hill), Jo Hosking from newsXpress Gympie & Sonia Ruhland, newsXpress Group Administration Co-Ordinator


Mark Nagy, newsXpress CEO and store proprietor presenting a workshop presentation entitled ‘Marketing Groups – Adding Value to your Bottom Line’

Member Meetings around Australia

newsXpress is proud of it’s member network and ensures regular meetings are held to get everyone together to share ideas, discuss strategies, deliver information and catch up.

Below are some photos of recent member meetings around Australia. Meetings are held in each state every 2 months.



WA newsXpressers 


QLD newsXpressers 



VIC newsXpressers 

Networking benefits

Following the Queensland newsXpress member meeting, some members took the opportunity to participate in a smaller more interactive group discussion on in store systems and procedures.The Business managers answered questions and shared resources on staffing, security procedures, magazine returns and team member training.

newsXpress member meetings are diverse in structure to deliver the most effective and relevant resources to our members.



Hallmark US Retail Study Tour


Photo from the 2007 Hallmark Tour to North America – newsXpress stores have supported these study trips for the past 3 years, the (2007) newsXpress stores were:

  • Jarrod Black from newsXpress Northside Plaza,
  • Chris and Feroza McNamara newsXpress Robina,
  • Lyndal Lever newsXpress the Pines,
  • Ben Kay newsXpress Forest Hill,
  • Laura Fletcher Sophie Randall Forest Hill
  • Carmen Dunkley newsXpress Jimboomba, and
  • Graham Randall newsXpress Watergardens

With the learning’s from the seminars and retail visits newsXpress stores come back and implement what they have learnt which is one of the reasons the newsXpress group is recognised as the leaders in the industry. newsXpress representatives also
identify product in the US which is then brought in exclusively for the group. This study tour and the opportunities it presents for networking, information sharing and product identification is part of the reason why newsXpress entered a strategic partnership with Hallmark. The massive growth in sales proves the arrangement is mutually beneficial! The 2008 tour is planned for July and official invitations will be sent in the next month.


Pictured: Ron Thorpe, Graham Randall &David Hall

David is President of Hallmark Cards Personal Expression Group and grandson of J.C Hall founder of Hallmark Cards.

Women in newsagencies

newsXpress is proud to host regular meetings of women in newsagencies. With many women running newsagencies and more women shopping in newsagencies than men it makes sense to get women together to talk about their perspective of business management. Here is one recent newsXpress women’s group meeting in Brisbane to talk about industry opportunities:


The women’s meetings are help to coincide with business training opportunities.

Continuous training

Every two months newsXpress hosts member meetings in each capital city. These are supplemented by regional meetings – ensuring we get to all members regularly. These are not your traditional newsagent or small business meeting. No, the newsXpress member meetings are packed with business building training and advice – delivering our members action strategies which they can implement in their businesses without further financial cost.

We believe in continuous training as we have found this to be more beneficial to a newsagency than one long training session before taking over a business as suppliers currently require of newsagents.

Our approach to continuous training is another reason newsXpress businesses are sought after by people entering the newsagency space – no matter where you are in your newsagency lifecycle, you can rely on newsXpress to challenge you to build a stringer and more enjoyable newsagency – for you and your customers.