Father’s Day at newsXpress Nambour

fathers-nambour.JPGnewsXpress Nambour is promoting Father’s Day on the dance floor with a terrific selection of gifts leading into a good range of Hallmark Father’s Day cards … giving Nambour shoppers excellent choice for this popular card and gift season.

Thanks to the newsXpress preferred supplier mix, newsXpress members are able to access an excellent range of gifts for Father’s Day and other seasons at competitive prices.  These deals add a wonderful gloss to seasons like Father’s Day.

Promoting Father’s Day in Gympie

fathers-gympie.JPGnewsXpress Gympie is promoting Father’s Day 2011 on the dance floor at the entrance to the body of the newsagency, making it a compelling offer for all visitors to the newsagency.  It is this strategic placement which drives excellent success for seasonal promotions.

The newsXpress Gympie Father’s Day range includes Hallmark cards, books and a terrific mix of gifts from newsXpress preferred suppliers.

Right across newsXpress stores we are loving this Father’s Day season.  Cards and gifts are selling well, giving us a bumper year.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Orange

fathers-orange.JPGnewsXpress Orange has been running a terrific Father’s day display out the front of the newsagency, facing into the shopping mall. Carrying products from newsXpress preferred suppliers and supported by Hallmark Father’s Day cards and newsXpress collateral, the Father’s Day display at newsXpress Orange looks inviting and enticing.

Father’s Day continues to grow in value for newsXpress members throughout Australia thanks to the expanding range of gifts and other items available through newsXpress preferred suppliers.

Smurfs Packs Place newsXpress With the Majors

smurf-range.JPGThe Smurf product packs now on the shop floor of many newsXpress outlets position out retail channel with the majors.

We are benefiting from the extra traffic and basket building impulse purchase decisions.

You know you are on a winner when you move more than $2,000 in stock several weeks out from the release of the Smurfs movie.

newsXpress is thrilled to be helping our members harvest such valuable incremental business and to help stores appeal to young and older demographics at the same time.

This is the newsXpress difference – delivering bankable results to our members!

Win Dad a Sony Home Theatre System This Father’s Day

fathers-gift.JPGThere will be plenty of happy dads around Australia in a few weeks once the winners of the Sony Home Theatre Systems are announced. Every newsXpress Hallmark store is giving away one of these Home Theatre Systems as part of our in-store Father’s Day promotion. The total value of the giveaways is in excess of $50,000 – making it probably the most valuable Father’s Day giveaway in a banner group in the newsagency channel this year.

We appreciate the support of Hallmark in making this opportunity possible for our newsXpress retail network.

Great Father’s Day Display at newsXpress Salamander Bay

fathers-salamander.JPGnewsXpress Salamander Bay is telling a wonderful story for Father’s Day this year.

Situated at the entrance to the gift department at newsXpress Salamander Bay, this display invites consideration of other gift items for Father’s Day as well as other gift giving occasions from their excellent gift department.

Dad & Me Hallmark Recordable Storybook Ideal for Father’s Day

fathers-r2.JPGThe new Dad & Me recordable storybook from Hallmark is a welcome addition to the Father’s Day range for 2011. Supported by Hallmark with a terrific TV commercial, the Dad & Me storybook makes for a perfect Father’s Day gift and family keepsake. The pleasure and fun of this gift lasts well beyond that of many other gifts.

Hallmark is a newsXpress Strategic Partner, giving newsXpress members access not only to excellent products but also to valuable retail insights.

Using the Smurfs to Draw Shoppers at newsXpress Wetherill Park

smurfs-wetherill.JPGnewsXpress Wetherill Park has been using this terrific Smurfs promotion to draw traffic into their business.

With the Smurfs movie opening so close, September 15 around Australia, media and shopper interest is growing … as are sales of the Smurfs items sourced through newsXpress preferred suppliers.

newsXpress is the branded product innovator in the newsagency channel – successfully connecting the group with new movie releases and other national brand initiatives off of which newsXpress stores can drive traffic and basket building business.

newsXpress Wetherill Park is making the most of the Smurf opportunity.

Customers Love the My Grandpa and Me Recordable Storybook

fathers-r1.JPGnewsXpress customers are loving the new recordable storybook from Hallmark. The My Grandpa and Me storybook is a wonderful gift and keepsake, a welcome addition to the successful Hallmark recordable storybook range. The My Grandpa and Me storybook has arrived just in time for Father’s Day. newsXpress members are benefiting from the TV campaign which has been running in recent weeks promoting the Hallmark recordable storybook range.

Father’s Day at Streaky Bay

fathers-streakybay.jpgGifts for dad are a feature of this display for Father’s Day on display at newsXpress Streaky Bay. Using newsXpress exclusive collateral, the display appeals to a broad range of Father’s Day giving situations.

Shoppers in Streaky Bay are getting to know that newsXpress Streaky Bay is an excellent place to shop for gifts. Well done to those involved in creating this display.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Top Ryde City

fathers-topryde.jpgnewsXpress Top Ryde City is promoting Father’s Day 2011 with this display right at the front of the newsagency, facing out into the shopping mall.

Inviting shoppers toward the business, the display features an excellent range of Hallmark cards along with a good range of Father’s Day gifts … all situated in the best location in the business.

This display also serves to promote greeting cards and gifts available from the business more generally to shoppers at the Top Ryde City Shopping Centre.

newsXpress Runaway Bay Embraces Smurf Opportunity

smurfs-runawaybay.JPGnewsXpress Runaway Bay in is another newsXpress store successfully engaging with the Smurfs opportunity with this excellent display.

The excellent display is fresh and exciting – creating a strong impact around the Smurfs characters and brand – well done to those responsible for this display.

The Smurfs products are proving to be another hit newsXpress merchandise product.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Terrigal

fathers-terrigal.JPGnewsXpress Terrigal has been successfully promoting Hallmark Father’s Day cards at the entrance to the business. Shoppers can’t miss it as they step inside.

The Hallmark card range flows into a range of socks sourced through one of our newsXpress preferred suppliers in time for Father’s Day. The two categories of products work well together as do the Hallmark cards and other Father’s Day gifts from the newsXpress preferred supplier ranges.

Great Cadbury Toolkit for Father’s Day From newsXpress

fathers-cadbury2.jpgThis Cadbury toolkit is a key gift on offer from newsXpress stores this Father’s Day. newsXpress stores right across Australia are proudly offering the metal toolkit and the delicious and tempting Cadbury goodies inside as part of the 2011 Father’s Day campaign.

The newsXpress / Cadbury connection for Father’s Day is an example of our valuable connection with and support for national brands. newsXpress members are benefiting from extra traffic and easy selling thanks to Cadbury being the best known chocolate brand in Australia.

Father’s Day Wall at Wetherill Park

fathers-wetherillback.JPGnewsXpress Wetherill Park is promoting father’s Day 2012 in a number of locations in-store including this behind the counter wall display. This faces shoppers as they complete sales.

This placement is designed to help guide impulse purchases of Father’s Day gift items and to reinforce the Sony gift which one lucky shopper will win in each newsXpress Hallmark store.

newsXpress Riverlink Loving the Smurfs Traffic and Sales

smurfs-harbourtown.pngAt the front of the newsagency facing shoppers as they enter newsXpress Riverlink is this display promoting Smurfs characters and Smurf movie product.

Sourced through our newsXpress preferred suppliers and promoted by newsXpress, the Smurfs range at newsXpress Riverlink connects the business with the nostalgia as well as new versions of the characters as shown in the soon to release movie.

newsXpress is thrilled to be the only newsagency marketing group connected with the Smurf juggernaut … we’re loving it!  We are thrilled that great newsXpress members like newsXpress Riverlink are engaged and loving the Smurfs too.

Father’s Day at newsXpress East Maitland

fathers-eastmaitland.JPGnewsXpress East Maitland is promoting Father’s Day gifts with this terrific display which faces shoppers as they enter the business.  Covering gifts for a broad range of situations, from the pure fun to the practical the gifts represent a good range for Father’s Day.

The display is easily shopped and presents the various gifts in an accessible way.

newsXpress East Maitland, like newsXpress stores across Australia, are enjoying the lead up to Father’s Day.

Sock It To Me – Ideal for Father’s Day 2011

fathers-socks-wet.JPGnewsXpress Wetherill Park has this stand offering the Sock it to Me range of socks for Father’s Day. It’s an excellent floor unit, easy to move and ideal for driving impulse purchases. The placement of the unit at the entrance to the business has been excellent for customer engagement.

This is another innovative product from one of our terrific newsXpress preferred suppliers.

While it is on the shop floor for Father’s Day, this Sock it to Me stand will work all through the year. These socks are an ideal add on to a greeting card purchase.

Kudos to newsXpress Wetherill Park for engaging in this innovative and basket-building product.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Knox

fathers-knoxfrontshp.jpgnewsXpress Knox at Knox City Shopping Centre in Victoria is promoting Father’s Day cards and gifts with this terrific display which faces out into the shopping mall.

Shoppers see another Father’s Day display as they leave – the store is using both sides to promote this terrific seasonal opportunity. The display makes excellent use of newsXpress and Hallmark marketing collateral.

Products have been selling well off this display – including Father’s Day cards. It is also working at attracting passers-by into the newsagency from the shopping mall.

Father’s Day at newsXpress Watergardens

fathers-water2.JPGnewsXpress Watergardens has capped its Father’s Day 2011 display with a character from the Angry Birds game. This is attracting a lot of attention and comment. It brings an element of fun to the display … it’s a thrill to see shoppers enjoy a display or a product you are promoting.

Smiles are gold in retail. There are plenty of smiles when shoppers front this display at newsXpress Watergardens.