How can a newsagent decide which is the best newsagency marketing group for them? It is a tough question which is often middies by thoughts of money and other factors.
The best newsagency marketing group is one which helps newsagents drive…
- business efficiency
- retail sales
- new traffic
- shopper efficiency
- business enjoyment
newsXpress pursues each of these goals with and for members. Our newsagency marketing group helped many newsagents achieve more in 2011 than if they had not been with us.
Our practical support for our members through newsXpress radio and our national TV campaign are two highlights which add value, at no cost, to newsXpress membership.
It is the package of tangible value on which newsXpress members can bank over the long-term. It demonstrates an understanding that it is the profit which you make from your business each day which is more valuable than a non-sales related cash short term benefit as we hear some talk about.