Halloween at newsXpress Yarram

newsXpress Yarram has been promoting Halloween 2011 in the shop window, facing onto the main street of Yarran yet easily seen by shoppers in store.  Please click on the image for a larger version of the photo.

A Halloween display like this works a treat in a country town newsagency where it can own the season and thereby bring in new traffic based on word of mouth.

newsXpress has been promoting Halloween since 2005.  Back then we were the first newsagency marketing group to engage in this seasonal opportunity.

It is our pioneering, sourcing suppliers, delivering creating marketing collateral, training newsagents on visual merchandising and running community engagement programs which has paved the way for so many other newsagents to now leverage Halloween for commercial success.

Thanks to our wok over the years, Halloween is in the top four seasons for some newsXpress businesses, delivering excellent rewards.


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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]towersystems.com.au

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