newsXpress is the only newsagency marketing group in Australia with a team of Business Development Managers working right across the country to help members grow their businesses. Our BDMs help members in a variety of ways including tactical engagement.
If you look at the photo you see a stand offering an excellent range of cookbooks from one of our newsXpress preferred suppliers. The newsXpres Business Development Manager for this store kicked the display up a notch by gathering together the range of bookmarks from within the store and displaying these on the top shelf of the retail stand – within easy customer reach. This significantly enhances the purchase opportunity.
There is more to a good marketing group than just deals. The books and the bookmarks in the photo deliver excellent margin. By bringing the two together this store is more likely to achieve a deeper shopping basket and therefore a higher dollar margin per sale.
This is the smart newsXpress difference … always thinking beyond just margin and focusing on what you can bank by being tactical in-store with product placement.
Opportunities like this can only be seen through regular store visits. Again, newsXpress is the only newsagency marketing group offering this right across the country.