Newsagency retail transformation advice for the first three metres of your shop

The first three metres of your shop, from the front windows and door, represent your headline. If you want to transform your newsagency and create a new perception of your business, focus on dramatically changing this space. Leave nothing as it was.

It’s these initial three metres that customers will see and use to decide the type of shop you run. This is your opportunity to defy expectations and create disruption. Don’t give them what they anticipate.

Products and fixtures are open to change. If your counter is in this area, it also requires a dramatic overhaul.

To achieve this, close your shop one day and remove everything from the first three metres, starting with a clean slate.Commit to not returning any original items to this space. It will be challenging, and you’ll likely feel the urge to reinstate familiar elements. Resist this temptation.

The ultimate goal is for customers to express surprise at discovering products they knew you stocked but only noticed due to the changes in the first three metres.

Here are four principles to guide the transformation of your shop’s entrance:

Declutter and Create a Visual Feast

As you introduce new products, maintain a clutter-free entrance. Prioritise visual appeal. Avoid traditional retail fixtures and opt for clean lines, engaging displays, and well-maintained equipment.

Sensory Experience

Consider incorporating subtle elements that stimulate the senses. Play familiar, upbeat music at the shop’s front.Showcase beautifully scented products to create an inviting atmosphere aligned with your business.

Storytelling Through Displays

Instead of simply displaying products, craft a narrative. Develop themed displays that demonstrate how products can be used or benefit customers. Avoid overcrowding displays; focus on showcasing variety rather than quantity to effectively tell your story.

Interactive Elements

Encourage customer engagement by making products easily accessible to touch and smell. Traditional boxed displays are outdated. Present products openly to invite interaction.

The first three metres of your shop hold immense potential. By effectively utilising this space, you can take control, set the tone, make a statement, and continually evolve your business.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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