Newsagency management advice: how to do a magazine relay in your newsagency

A well-executed magazine relay can significantly boost sales in a relatively short timeframe.

In our experience, the return on investment for a few hours of dedicated effort is substantial and typically realised within a month. So, why is a magazine relay so effective? Fundamentally, it drives increased sales.

The Mechanics of a Magazine Relay

A typical relay two or less hours.

While it’s possible to delegate this task, taking ownership of the process is highly recommended. A hands-on approach reinforces your leadership and allows for a more streamlined operation without the complexities of team management. It’s essential to remember that a magazine relay is an ongoing process, not a one-off event. Regular adjustments to the magazine layout are crucial for maintaining sales momentum.

Optimising Magazine Placement

Ideally, magazines should be displayed on a dedicated wall space rather than occupying valuable centre fixture real estate typically reserved for higher-margin products.

The visual impact of magazine covers can be diluted by excessive clutter. To maximise their appeal, avoid using product headers.

Full facing, where 100% of the magazine cover is visible, generally delivers optimal results. This is particularly effective for smaller assortments of under 500 titles. For larger assortments, consider tiered fixtures with one title per pocket.However, in some cases, accommodating two or three low-volume, specialised titles within a single pocket can be beneficial.

Leveraging Beacon Branding

Highlighting specific magazine categories through beacon branding can effectively attract customer attention. Dedicate the top two or three pockets to a single title to create a visual focal point.

The Relay Process

When undertaking a magazine relay, focus on creating an engaging and visually appealing display. Work systematically,removing and rebuilding sections of the fixture while maintaining clear spaces to avoid confusion. Continuously assess your progress and consider how each placement contributes to the overall narrative.

The Art of Adjacency

Experimentation is key to discovering the most effective product adjacencies. While there are general guidelines, the ideal arrangement can vary depending on customer behaviour and preferences. For example, consider whether grouping titles by brand or by interest category drives better sales.

Some potential adjacency combinations include: cricket, golf, and swimming; wrestling, boxing, and fitness; and creative arts (painting, writing, craft). However, it’s essential to avoid mixing unrelated titles such as soccer and rugby.

Customer Considerations

When designing the magazine display, prioritise customer ease and comfort. Avoid placing titles aimed at older customers in difficult-to-reach locations.

Post-Relay Actions

Once the relay is complete, share your vision with the team and encourage feedback. Monitor customer behaviour and sales performance closely. The insights gained from these observations can inform future adjustments to the magazine layout.

By following these guidelines and maintaining a focus on customer needs, you can significantly enhance your magazine sales through effective merchandising.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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