25% off deal helps newsXpress newsagents win!

It’s not often a supplier to newsagents offers 25% off their regular wholesale price but that’s exactly what newsXpress delivered for its members for two weeks when a MAJOR supplier in a very important and valuable product category offered newsXpress members 25% off top-selling products.

That’s a wonderful and valuable additional margin opportunity for many highly sought after and popular product lines.

This 25% off wholesale was EXCLUSIVE to newsXpress. Talk about delivering value to members keen to drive above average business margin and to build an even better bottom line.

Many claim to help newsagents improve GP. newsXpress regularly delivers on this promise with EXCLUSIVE buying deals plus proves strategies for turning product on the shop floor into sales faster than is usually the case.

newsXpress helps newsagents get more money in the bank as this latest deal shows.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]towersystems.com.au

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