newsXpress this weeks hosts two training sessions for retail employees working in newsXpress stores. This employee training is part of our commitment to deliver valuable and exclusive training to people in newsXpress stores who are charged with executing day to day decisions in the magazine space.
Too often newsagency training is delivered to the owners of newsagency businesses. We are changing that.
newsXpress is running a series of training opportunities this year for retail employees and therefore helping those working newsXpress stores to develop their skill set and be more commercially valuable to the businesses in which they work.
Access to the training is free. The first two sessions are being run in Sydney on Tuesday and in Melbourne on Wednesday. Both sessions will be run after the close of business.
Additional training will be scheduled in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Gippsland in Victoria.
Each of the magazine training sessions will be conducted on the shop floor and run for around two hours.
We understand that newsXpress is the only newsagency marketing group offering these training opportunities for newsagency employees … further showing off the value we deliver to members and to those who work in newsXpress stores.
newsXpress is excited for the opportunity of this new training as it encodes key aspects of the newsXpress offer and shares valuable knowledge and processes which will help newsXpress newsagency businesses for many years to come.