Innovative newsXpress supplier forum

newsXpress hosted the first of two newsXpress supplier forums yesterday in Sydney.

Existing and prospective newsXpress suppliers were treated to presentations on the newsXpress point of difference from the shop floor through to the back room of newsXpress Head Office.  This insight and terrific two-way engagement with suppliers is set to lift supplier engagement to new and exclusive heights for newsXpress members of the newsagency channel.

On show in Sydney yesterday was the newsXpress difference, vision, commitment, services and transparency which will be seen to be key to success for newsagents over the coming years.

newsXpress appreciates the support from its supplier community, especially those who gave of their time and insights to participate yesterday in Sydney. We also appreciate the expertise and insights of newsXpress members invited to participate in the important meeting.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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