newsXpress Pakenham is showing of the My Family Sticker range from The Sticker Family with the placement of the pull up banner showing off the whole range just inside the entrance to the newsagency.
Mirroring the experience across the newsXpress network, good margin sales of The Sticker Family range are strong at Pakenham. The range is a perfect basket builder for a newsXpress type of business.
This is the best placement of the pull up banner. newsXpress members are reporting that placement of the banner near the entrance drives sales. the further back into the store the placement of the banner the lower the ratio of sales to shop traffic.
The newsXpress merchandise team has led many newsXpress members into this innovative range and delivered access to a wonderful profit boost as a result
The newsXpress approach demonstrates the value of a great deal as well as the right strategies to help newsXpress members make the maximum amount of money possible from the deal.