newsXpress Merrylands hae been promoting the I Love Magazines consumer campaign at the front of the newsagency, facing shoppers in the mall. This has been an excellent promotion for drawing shoppers into the business – hence the appropriate and valuable placement of the display at newsXpress Merrylands.
newsXpress was fully briefed on the I Love magazines campaign late last year, enabling the group to fully prepare for the opportunity, engage newsXpress team members and ensure that member engagement was leveraged for maximum advantage for our group. newsXpress stores received easy access to collateral, display units and other materials with which to promote the offer.
At newsXpress Merrylands and right across the newsXpress retail network it has been terrific to see member engagement. This demonstrates the value of working together on a common goal. It also shows how we are able to leverage magazine traffic into other sales. It demonstrates a newsXpress difference.