Selling premium pens at the sales counter

nx_knox_p_pens.JPGNot all planograms are designed for hang-sell in retail as the photo shows.  Working with one of our preferred suppliers, newsXpress has developed a high impact counter display strategy for high margin premium pens.  Given that it is behind the counter the product is secure and showing customers the various products is not labour intensive.  By following proven visual merchandising principles, we have created a visually attractive and shopper friendly display.  In our first trial location pen sales have been exceptional from this display.

Promoting the Parker brand as we are reinforces our brand commitment.  We know that selling brand name product, especially as a gift, is easier than selling generic cheaper product.

Our pen display at the counter is not permanent.  It will be rolled in and out several times in the year, to suit key pen purchase seasons.

Key to the success of the display is the fixturing and lighting.  These make the Parker pens shine and drive sales.

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I am a Director of newsXpress, a marketing group for newsagents keen for a bright future. You can reach me on +61 418 321 338 or mark[at]

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