newsXpress has produced a brochure promoting calendars and diaries for our members. This handy brochure promotes range – critical in the specialist calendar marketplace. The brochure is another of the resources our merchandise and marketing teams creates for members to use in-store and externally to drive traffic and achieve more profitable baskets.
Calendars have been a focus of newsXpress since the group started seven years ago. Our calendar strategy is more developed than any other newsagency marketing group from what we can see. Our members make better margins and have access to category specialists who help drive better margin and guide ranging decisions. The bottom line is, well, the bottom line. Calendars can be very lucrative for newsagents who embrace the newsXpress / calendarXpress strategies wholeheartedly.
The brochure features respected brands such as Hallmark, Collins Debden, Bartel and Browntrout to name a few.